Chapter Eight

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Sometimes, Buffy desperately missed The Magic Box—a veritable library with unlimited information, on-demand supply of magic ingredients, and most importantly, a space for some proper training. But, since they had none of these things on the level to which they had been formally accustomed, Buffy had learned to become much more flexible. And, by flexible, she meant breaking into places and stealing stuff. Which is why when Dean suggested they find a place to trial run the amulet, she did not hesitate when he further suggested breaking into "some old warehouse". The apartment she was currently sharing with Willow would have to do for now.

"I called Faith again, and as usual, had to leave a message," Willow stated, providing Buffy with an update, "But, I just got off the phone with Xander. The best they can do is a Red-Eye. They'll be here sometime in the morning."

"It's nice that you're includin' the "One Eyed Wonder" in our shenanigans," Spike added from the comfort of the couch, where he reclined enjoying a warm mug of blood and a black and white movie, "It's nice to give him small jobs, make him feel important."

"Careful what you say about Buffy's brother-in-law," Willow warned, smiling as she anticipated Spike reaction.

"Brother-in-law?" Spike groaned, "You let the 'Little Bit' marry the 'Useless Git'?"

"Speaking of useless..." Buffy dropped a couple of dusty tomes on the couch next to him, "Why don't you make yourself less of that?"

"Research?" Spike laughed arrogantly, "I'm the muscle, pet," he stretched out his legs, pushing the books towards the edge of the cushion with, intending them to hit the floor, "I don't do research."

"Apparently, you don't do directions either," She spat, catching the books and dropping them on his stomach, which would have been much more satisfying if he required oxygen, "because, I remember using the exact words 'If he moves, stake him'."

"He overpowered me," Spike lied, "Besides, who's going to help you test the amulet?"

"Oh, stuck with the books? My condolences." Dean's hand clapped down on Spike's shoulder like he had done to Dean just hours ago, "Don't worry, Blondie Bear, she's in good hands."

"You told—" Spike sneered, cutting himself off before he got in more trouble, "Bad form, Buffy."

"Don't take it so hard," Dean added sympathetically, "Research is important—plus, it's not as safe as you would think. You might get a paper cut."

"Pretty Boy is gonna end up with a bloody nose if he doesn't watch his mouth..." Spike cautioned, "Wouldn't it be a terrible shame if I just couldn't control myself with all that blood gushin' everywhere..."

"Simmer down, boys," Buffy brought her hands up between them, shoving Dean back away from the couch, "Save some of that unbridled testosterone for demons."

A knock on the door drew them apart. Arriving with a good portion of his personal library, along with a few books he "procured" from a university, Bobby was a welcome sight for the Winchesters. None more happy than Dean, who was finally reunited with his precious Impala. With their jobs assigned, no matter how reluctantly, and their reserves arriving, Buffy and Dean left to find a clear space to test the amulet- or in other words, to go break into an abandoned warehouse. There was no telling what she would do with the lift provided by the amulet. Part of her worried she might end up leveling half of Cleveland. Another part of her hoped she might get back the ability to fly, because let's just be honest, that was just fucking cool. But, the memory of that incident made her think of Angel, and suddenly the thrill was out of it. It took some wandering around, made easier this time with the use of the Impala, and eventually they found a space in a rundown industrial park that appeared would properly serve their purposes. Through the window, the inside looked dark and dank, but there was enough space that she wouldn't destroy anything more than some abandoned manufacturing equipment.

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