"That is impossible." Pip set his pen down. Matthews shook his head, "It is the name my master insists that this account is named under."
"Who is your master? Obviously not me."
"That is secret, but my master intends this money to be in an account of your own."
"So he is trying to be a benefactor to me?" Pip's heart thumbed. He wanted nothing to do with benefactors ever again concerning himself. His lesson from the first time taught him that it wasn't worth the trouble. Matthews explained, "It is the wishes of my master."
"But where are these 12 million pounds coming from? I have a right to know that since this quite concerns me now."
"Here in the paperwork. It was all hard earned and saved from a successful business." Matthews handed Pip the specific pages. Pip examined each one and they all had truth and logic to them. This mystery man had made his money from the shipments of goods. The name under each signed document was Matthews' signature. Pip mentioned, "I see that you have signed all of this, but I'm afraid I can not confirm your master's existence without his signature."
"I understand. Here is a paper of his signing that informs that I am the one to sign." Matthews handed Pip a document with a very illegible signature. In print next to it the name read: Marcus O. Lynn.
"So Marcus Lynn is your master?"
"Yes, but that is no matter, you likely don't know him by name. He knows you through connections and that is that." Matthews stated, "I am ordered not to say more. The 12 million is yours. Spend it as you like."
Pip gave Matthews a dumbfounded expression. He told Matthews, "I will put the money in an account as you asked, under my name, but I shall document the reasoning and our conversation. I assure you that the money won't be going anywhere. I'm not going to use it. As soon as this Marcus comes to me, I shall return his money."
"You do as you wish. It is your money." Matthews stood and left Pip is his own confused thoughts on this strange matter.
Great Expectations: The sequel
FanfictionI read great expectations by Charles Dickens and loved it. I'm going to make a sequel in my free time just for fun. The plot: Orlick escapes from the county jail seeking one thing. Revenge on Pip. Pip is living happily abroad with Herbert and Clara...