Stand power

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Over the next 3 years, Izuku trained his stand Working Class Hero (which henceforth will he referred to by WCH) learning all its strengths and weaknesses, he learned his stand was a close-range power type, a subset of stands that specialised in CQC using extreme strength and speed at the sacrifice of little range and all damage reflecting upon the user. However most important was his stand's unique ability, his mother told him that stand abilities can be weird, strange, specific, and or highly situational, learning what it was though took a rather long time for Izuku, 2 years in fact. Throughout his continued stint at Aldera, after his mom and Bakugo's mother threatened to sue for child endangerment and encouragement of bullying. Anyway throughout his time Izuku not only grew more confident and brave but noticed something, whenever a student was in danger or was about to be in danger, usually from Bakugo, he would always be there, he was always in the right place at the right time to help out, not only did it help in locating people in danger but it could also get Izuku out of danger, demonstrated whenever Izuku fought Bakugo and would come out mostly uninjured despite fighting a person who could create large explosions.

Izuku you end up dubbing this ability 'synchronicity intuition' or the 'heroes intuition', in essence, the ability granted Izuku a significant degree of luck, though it didn't make him untouchable in fights just harder to hit, it also caused his opponents to make more mistakes but that was it. However, after learning and integrating this ability with his fighting style Izuku was over the moon, and in ten months would finally be able to test his abilities in actual combat in the UA entrance exam.

Izuku: "10 months, just 10 more months until my dream can truly begin". He thought to himself as he left school after avoiding another meaningless fight with Bakugo.

———Aldera final year———

Izuku was currently writing in his notebook, a pastime he had developed when being bullied out of depression now an act to focus his mind, his teacher most prattling on about their future and whatnot he wasn't paying attention, he knew he was already smarter than the man after he had developed his stand the school staff thought it was a quirk and his grades immediately shot up which told Izuku that the faculty had been giving him poor grades on purpose which gave Izuku a confidence boost in his intellectual abilities.

The teacher then threw his papers up in the air and got happy about something, he used WCH's superior perception and eyesight to see that the papers were all school applications for hero schools.

Izuku: "Ah so they're all excited about applying for hero schools, I mean some people in this class have decent quirks but they're gonna have to bring their A-game if they wanna get into a decent one". He thought to himself.

Bakugo then went on a rant about how no one in the class would be heroes only eternal sidekicks to D-listers which prompted outcry across the class, the blonde's only response was to threaten them.

Teacher: "Oh yes not only did Bakugo apply to UA but so did Midoriya". He said with a sinister glint in his eye.

Like an attack dog let off the leash Bakugo immediately reacted.

Bakugo: "THE HELL YOU DID, YOU THINK A PATHETIC DEKU LIKE YOU CAN GET INTO UA"? The blonde screamed as Izuku ignored him.

Izuku: "Really, this again, I know the teacher doesn't like me but he could at least be subtle about it". He thought to himself as Bakugo continued to rant about... something, quirks and superiority, stuff that Izuku couldn't be paid to care about, he firmly believed that quirks are simply tools to be used and don't define people.

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