Bizarre first day

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Over the course of the next 4 days the newly united 'Champions' nurtured their new friendship and even trained together on occasion, Izuku and Ochaco learnt about all the status effects that Ibara could inflict, Izuku revealed his 'synchronicity intuition' which Ibara called 'Gods guidance', lastly Izuku and Ibara helped Ururaka in awakening her stand's potential as well as refining her already available abilities. Until finally on the fourth day each of them received a letter through their door at their own homes.

Upon opening the letters a black disc fell into each of their laps, upon activating it they all bore witness to a man dressed in all black, with long black hair, wearing a weave scarf, and eyes with such heavy bags beneath them one would assume they'd never slept in their entire life.

(This is being said to all of them simultaneously)
???: "Greetings, Izuku H. Midoriya/Ochaco C. Ururaka/ Ibara Shiozaki, I am 1As homeroom teacher, Shouta Aizawa, and I'm here to inform you that you passed the exams required to enter the hero course. On the written test you scored 98%/87%/89%, which gets you into the general education, but you also into the hero course due to your scores in the physical exam". The man named Aizawa stated in a voice so dry it made the Sahara feel like the Amazon rainforest. He then vanished which showed the test scores for the physical exam.

(I'm putting Ibara in 1A because I want too, guess who she's replacing)

—Physical exam scores—

1st place:
Name: Izuku H. Midoriya
Villain points: 89
Rescue points: 60

2nd place:
Name: Katsuki Bakugo
Villain points: 77
Rescue points: 0

3rd place:
Name: Eijro Kirishima
Villain points: 39
Rescue points: 35

4th place:
Name: Ochaco Ururaka
Villain points: 28
Rescue points: 44

5th place:
Name: Ibara Shiozaki
Villain points: 37
Rescue points: 34

6th place:
Name: Tenya Iida
Villain points: 52
Rescue points: 9


As our trio witnessed their scores they felt proud of themselves and personally celebrated in their own ways, Izuku cried with joy, Ochaco bounced on her bed in happiness, whilst Ibara simply thanked God with a prayer.

Aizawa: "Congratulations on passing, see yo day one goodb..., what? Do I have to say it? Ok fine. Welcome you your hero academia". He stated after arguing with someone outside the recorders field of view.

After their personal rituals of success the trio informed their parents of their success which led to many tears of joy and congratulatory hugs.

Through the last days of middle school the trio grew closer as friends and family becoming harder, better, fastest, and stronger. Speaking of family the extended Joestar family became acquainted with the Shiozaki family, which also culminated in the trio telling their families that Ibara's abduction was due to an enemy stand user, it took some time to convince the Shiozaki's and Ururaka's that stands where real but with some charismatic explanations from Izuku and Inko as well as assurances from both Ochaco and Ibara the two families eventually believed them.

(Initially the Ururaka's weren't told as it wasn't really important at the time, also because knowing about stands is dangerous but now it's relevant information that could save their lives)

—time skip to first day—

Until finally it came, the first day of UA for our intrepid Champions. They stood in front of the main gate looking upon its legendary visage, they where now in the same position that many of the greatest heroes of era had started and they felt simultaneously excited and nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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