Enter Planet Claire

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Ururaka: "THIS IS 'PLANET CLAIRE'"! She yelled as her stand fully manifested above her in all its glory.

The stand possessed vaguely humanoid characteristics, Izuku recognised it as what his mother described as an 'artificial humanoid stand'. The stands torso was mostly human, its skin is dark brown with two golden triangles on each of hits feminine breast, below its chest the stands ribcage and spine exited the body connected to a purple sphere, just below the sphere the stands waist floated untethered wrapped in gold jewellery, its thighs where the only part of its legs that existed they ended its light red pyramids, the stands arms where inhumanly long around 2.5 metres, they had no wrists but its hands floated as if they ethereal attached, in each clawed hand was held a purple sphere similar to the one in the stands belly, lastly the stands head was an extended cylinder with three rings circling one above another, each ring had three purple eye's attached to them as the rings spun in clockwise and anticlockwise patterns.

Ibara: "So that's your dark spirit, see its horrifying visage, see its true form, that of an evil demon, let me exercise it you possessed bitch"! The crazy crusader cried out as she had Hallelujah to try and attack the gravity girl. In response the inhuman stand launched one of its long arms striking her in the chest.

Ibara: "Weak, your spirit is weak just like those who...". She counted finish as suddenly her personal gravity to suddenly increased tenfold, as she looked at the gravity girl she saw not the eyes of the innocent girl she kidnapped but the eyes of someone who cared little for the opinions of others.

Ururaka: "God I hate people like you, people who berate and bully those with negative circumstances surrounding them likes it's their fault, like they should be ashamed of their existence, his I hate people like you, so full of pride for your lucky lives filled with praise and money, who think that just because their own lives are great it gives you the excuse to bully the less fortunate. YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DOWN TO MY COUSIN YOU HYPOCRITICAL BITCH"! She yelled as Planet Claire moved its arms in cardinal directions which simultaneously threw the vine haired girl around the room slamming into the floor, walls, and ceiling and finally towards Ururaka herself and her stands fists.


The crazy Christian was pummelled by the gravity manipulating stand and launched into the through one of the wooden walls, she then fell unconscious.

As the battle ended Ururaka rushed to her cousin to see to his wounds.

Ururaka: "Izuku are you okay, speak to cousin". She said frantically.

Izuku: "Yeah, I'll live, how you"? He replied slightly delirious from the pain.

Ururaka: "I'm fine, I, I awakened my stand, Holy crap I awakened my stand". She replied as the situation fully dawned on her as she bore witness to her stance stand.


Name: Ochaco Ururaka

Stand: Planet Claire

Ability: The stand can nullify or increase the gravity of anything it touches even control the targets directional gravity, as well as create a zero gravity areas


* Power: B
* Speed: A
* Range: B
* Durability: C
* Precision: C
* Potential: B


???: "You bitch, why'd you have to go and spoil my fun". A strange and deranged voice cried out from Ibara's direction.

The two cousins looked in their assailants directions to see her hair shifting and what emerged scared them.

An ant the twice the size of a cockroach emerged from the girls hair, the ant had a cascading pattern of light brown and cream pale covering its exoskeleton with 1s and 0s lining the cream sections, it's antennae where tipped with uranium green crystal, and it had a large third purple eye in the middle of its forehead.

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