Crazy, noisy, busy entrance exam

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It had been 10 months, 10 months since he had met All Might, 10 months since he began hard training. Initially, he planned on training in the woods, however, whilst out on a walk he heard two girls complain about Takoba Municipal Beach and how it was a trash heap, after inspecting it he was disgusted the place was a literal dump, so he made up his mind as an act of public assistance he'd clean the beach not only to train WCH but his own body as well. After he'd seen pictures of Jotaro at his age he felt a wave of inferiority overcome him, despite being only a year older Jotaro had more muscle than a movie-action hero from America.

So after 10 months he'd cleaned the beach and was now standing in front of the illustrious gates of UA, the home of heroes.

Izuku: "At last, I'm here, hope everything goes well". He said to himself as WCH appeared and gave him a thumbs up.

Bakugo: "Outta my way you worthless Deku". Came the voice of the most obnoxious person Izuku had ever met.

Izuku: "There's plenty of space to go around, yelling at people to move is just rude Bakugo". He replied already 100% done with the blonde's antics, he was drawing attention.

As Izuku continued to walk towards the school he could feel the blonde's eyes burning through the back of his head.

Izuku: "Does he know how evil looks when he glares or does he just not care about his outward appearance that much, I mean if I saw a hero with a face like I'd wait until someone else came to rescue me". He thought to himself dodging an uneven section of the brick path using his intuition.


The written portion of the exam was a piece of cake, anyone with a degree of heroic intuition or intention along with decent grades could pass the thing easily. Next up was the hero entrance examination, Izuku was slightly nervous but calmed down when WCH gave him a pat on the back and another thumbs up. After waiting a few minutes a new invigilator entered, and it took all of Izuku's willpower to not scream out their name.

Izuku: "It's the voice hero: Present Mic"! He yelled inside his head.

The hero began his introduction by greeting everyone in his usual loud voice, he asked for a YA from the crowd to which not a single soul responded. After getting no response the hero began explaining the point system for the exam, all was going well and he understood the gist of things so zoned out a bit, until a sudden loud voice interrupted the hero.

He looked over to see a blue-haired boy in glasses standing stiff as a board making demands of the hero to explain a perceived mistake and attempting to call out UA on it, then he looked directly at Izuku and started yelling at him about, proper etiquette and paying attention. In response, Izuku yelled back.

Izuku: "Shut up dude, you're going off on one about proper etiquette yet you're the one making a scene you moron"! He yelled simultaneously shutting the boy up.

Afterwards, Present Mic continued explaining the test.

-gate to the test arena-

Izuku was preparing himself for battle but then felt a strange pull towards a girl in the crowd with brown hair who looked like she was about to pass out from panic. So he did what any hero would do and approached her to assist her. Only to be stopped by the same boy from before.

???: "I hope you don't pan on distracting that girl I suggest you leave right now, it's...". The boy began before Izuku cut him off.

Izuku: "Look clone of Ingenium, and don't try to deny that you're a carbon copy of him, she's clearly panicking and I'm just trying to help. So shut up and think before you act asshole, now leave me alone". He stated with conviction catching the boy off guard and thoroughly shutting him down.

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