Do you believe in gravity

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Ururaka: "WHAT"? Was the stunned girl's reaction.

Ururaka: "What do you mean were related"? She asked.

Izuku: "I think we have a common ancestor, I recently checked my family tree and found that my direct ancestor and they were the half-uncle of one Jotaro Kujo, the father of Jolyne Cujoh one of your ancestors I presume". He stayed with certainty.

Ururaka: "OK, so would that make us cousins"? She asked trying to wrap her head around this revelation.

Izuku: "Distant cousins, but yeah, and that's not the only thing we have in common". He explained.

Izuku: "Ochako Ururaka, you're more than likely a stand user". He stated with confidence.

Ururaka: "I'm sorry but, what's a stand user"? She asked curiously.

So Izuku explained what a stand was, along with all the associated rules which he was sure caused Ururaka to to emit steam from her ears.

Ururaka: "So wait you think I have one of these stands because I can see yours, but you said certain stands can be seen couldn't that be way"? She asked trying to rationalise the situation.

Izuku: "Nope, I've checked with a lot of people my stand can only be seen exclusively by users, if you need proof I'll show you". He replied as Recovery Girl walked in to talk with Ururaka.

To Ururaka's shock, Izuku's stand threw a mighty punch directly at the diminutive woman only to stop half a centimetre away from her face, the old lady had no reaction she simply informed Ururaka that she should be fit to leave. Though afterwards, she did note that Ururaka looked slightly pale.


The duo had left together and were now walking towards the train station together.

Ururaka: "So if I'm a stand user, what's my stand"? She asked still recovering from today's rollercoaster of emotion and reveals.

Izuku: "A stand usually manifests when one's fighting spirit is unleashed, due to stress, fear, anger, survival instincts, or as a result of mastering a certain skill to a degree beyond professionals. You need to undergo some kind of revelation". He replied getting a smile from Ururaka.

Ururaka: "Then can you help me do so, I'll give you my contact information and we can meet up at a later date so you can help awaken my stand and we can get to know each other, cousin". She replied giving a million yen smile.

Izuku: "That sounds like a great idea, I love to help you out and catch up with the extended family". He replied giving a gentle and kind smile, though it didn't help his nagging feeling that he was being observed.

—several meters away in thick shrubbery—

???: "There are two of you, I must exercise the both of you of your evil spirits". The mysterious individual said to themselves as a humanoid figure covered with thorns appeared behind them.

—3 days later—

It has been an eventful three days post-entrance exam, after Izuku and Ururaka returned to their respective families and homes they told their story to their parents which was rather shocking to both sections of the family. Almost immediately after learning of each other the two families prepared a meet-up at the halfway point between their homes. Introductions were awkward at first but eventually, Inko and Ururaka's parents, Hachirō and Emi, began speaking and getting along over coffee, they exchanged life stories as well as heritage which confirmed amongst the two families that they are related with Emi being a direct descendant of Jolyne Cujoh and her wife Érmes Costello they used a donor for Jolyne, Emi even had the star-shaped birthmark to prove it.

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