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"How much longer are you going to take in the bathroom, Vee?" Tara sighed, banging her head once against the doorway. "The party started at eight. It's almost nine. At this point we may as well skip the whole thing."

"No need to get your panties in a twist." Vienna replied to her friend with a roll of her eyes, examining herself in the mirror as she carefully applied her lipstick, smacking her lips twice to make sure it smeared well. "I'm done, I'm done."

"That's what you said an hour ago." Tara groaned, wrenching the door open with an irritated expression on her face.

Quinn snorted from her position on the couch. "You'd think you would know by now that 'it'll only take half an hour' really means, 'give me two more hours and I might be ready to do my last few hundred touch-ups'."

"Thanks bestie," Vienna cooed, "you know me so well."

"You look hot tonight babes." the girl winked. "If you weren't going out to a party, I'd ask you to stay the night with me instead."

Tara made a face. "Oh gross, Quinn."

"No need to be jealous, Tara. I'd be all yours the second you asked me to." Vienna promised.

The girl made an overly-exaggerated expression of disgust. "No thanks."

"How rude!" Vienna sniffed dramatically. "You're so cruel to me. Thank god Quinn at least appreciates me."

"Like the fine piece of ass you are." The girl agreed, wolf-whistling. "If you ever finally decide to quit crawling after Tara, you can come crawling into my room any night you'd like."

Vienna held back a snort at her roommate's playful flirting. "Thanks, bb." She called back as she touched-up on her mascara. "I'll be sure to take you up on that offer some time."

"Stop flirting. And stop double and triple and quintuple-times checking your makeup." Tara scowled. "Enough is enough. You look great. Your costume's great, your make-up's great, your face is great—now let's go."

"Hm? Huh?" Vienna glanced at her friend in the mirror with a smirk. "What was that?"

Tara grimaced. "I said nothing. Forget I said anything."

"No, no, no." Vienna grinned. "I'm pretty sure I just heard you say my face is great."

"I did not." Tara denied. "You're hearing things."

"You so did!" Quinn called.

"Shut up, Quinn!" Tara groaned. "No-one asked for you to butt in!"

"Are you flirting with me, Tara?" Vienna faced her friend in the mirror, raising an eyebrow playfully. "If you wanted to fuck me that badly, you could've just said so—"

"Get out of the bathroom." Tara smacked her arm. "Get out, get out, get out!"

Vienna let out a whine. "Ow, come on! One more minute! I just want to do one last check-up."

"That's what you said an hour ago!"

"Be back before 12:00, girls!" Quinn reminded as Tara forced Vee to set aside her brush and pulled the complaining girl out of the room. "I don't wanna have to deal with your sister when she gets back and inevitably blows up."

"Eh, we'll be back in time." Vienna assured.

"Right," Tara rolled her eyes, "like the way you got ready in time."

"Shush, darling." Vienna hushed her. "There's no need to bring that up."

"Is it really a good idea to go though?" Quinn clicked her tongue. "You did promise Sam you wouldn't go to the Omega Kappa Beta party."

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