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"I HAVE A PLAN." Kirby said, explaining as they drove along in the van. When she finished, several of them had on unhappy expressions, but Sam and Tara agreed. The police set up the park as needed, and the rest of the group were sitting in an inconspicuous van together.

"This is a dumb plan." Vienna said finally, after moments of waiting around in silence. "Tell her it's a dumb fucking plan." She nudged Ethan, who was closest.

"It's a dumb plan." He repeated after her to Kirby. "No offense." He added.

"Simp." Mindy rolled her eyes.

Ethan rolled his eyes right back at her.

Kirby had, thankfully, sent Gale back to whatever hell-hole she had crawled out of, but that was little comfort when the killer could be crawling around right outside. Ethan opened up his bag of flaming hot cheetos.

"This is a dumb plan." Vienna repeated again. "They do this in the movies all the time; it never freaking works."

"You'll be all, 'keep em talking Sam, two more minutes'," Mindy agreed, "And, 'I almost got him!' And then he hangs up right before we can get a lock and it's all for zilch nada."

Kirby raised an eyebrow confidently, folding her arms. "I can trace a call in under fifteen seconds."

Mindy's smug expression faltered a little. She leaned towards the other woman, almost conspiratorially. "You've got them out there as bait."

"That's because the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby." Kirby pointed out.

"And you think it's safe because its broad daylight and a public place?" Mindy said.

"Look, I'm here, okay? And so is Bailey."

"Oh, now I feel so re-assured." Vienna muttered under her breath, while Ethan patted her with his non-cheeto-dust-covered hand. 

"This is exactly how our Uncle Randy died." Mindy shook her head. "Broad daylight, public place—yanked into a van, stab, stab, stab, no more Randy!"

"Huh." Kirby raised an eyebrow. 

"Can we get an F in the chat for Uncle Randy?" Vienna said.

"F." Ethan offered like the supportive boyfriend he was.

"F." Chad seconded.

"F." Kirby also agreed, eyeing Mindy carefully. "Are you okay? ...Do you need help?"

"Professional help." Chad added. Mindy scowled and smacked her twin's arm.

Ethan was munching on his bag of hot cheetos that he'd bought on their way to the park. Vienna stole handful after handful from his bag, despite the fact that they'd bought two. Ethan was perfectly comfortable with it though, even adjusting himself so that she could sit on his lap while she stole his chips and ate. 

Mindy wrinkled her nose. "You two are disgusting. I can't believe you're cozying up with a possible masked, psychotic killer, Vienna. Very poor taste."

"What can I say? I've got a type." The girl shrugged, shoveling another handful in her mouth. 

"Want some?" Ethan offered to Chad when the boy eyed the two. He shrugged, and accepted a handful.

"Traitor." Mindy accused her brother.

"Hey Sam," Kirby said into her mic, which was connected to Sam's earbud on the other end. "stay frosty out there, okay?"

"We're good." Sam assured.

"They're calling." Kirby said suddenly, sitting up straight.

Sam accepted the call, and casually said. "You're going to die, you know?"

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