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VIENNA COLLECTED A FEW MORE SPICES as Tara stirred the pot. Chad was chopping up some vegetables, when Tara suddenly spoke up.

"I think you should get out of the city, considering what happened to you last time." She said to him. "I wouldn't blame you...if you wanted to go"

"That's very thoughtful of you." The boy said dryly. "But...I'm not going anywhere."

Vienna rolled her eyes, pretending to gag. "Oh, eulgh, would you two just make out already? Get it over with."

The room burst into protests and complaints, everyone turning on her immediately.

"Oh as if you have any room to talk." Tara accused.

"Yeah, with Ethan fucking Landry in your bed." Mindy teased.

"More like fucking Ethan Landry in your bed." Annika snickered from the couch.

"Technically it was his bed." Vienna pointed out, undisturbed.

"In my dorm room." Chad groaned again. "If you're going to get nasty, at least please let me know about it after? So I can do a deep-clean?"

"For the last time," Vienna rolled her eyes, "we weren't fucking on your side of the bed!—In fact, we weren't fucking at all because we were rudely interrupted!"

"You poor thing." Tara mocked.

"I know." Vienna mourned.

"Sam, we really do not have to stay here." Mindy sighed, joining the rest of them in the kitchen.

"Agreed." Vee pursed her lips. "I could've been elsewhere tonight."

"Could you be any more obvious with your blatant horniness?" Tara rolled her eyes.

"Why, does it bother you sweetheart?" Vienna snarked. 

"Yes." Tara replied. 

"Well too bad. Suck it."

"Sticking together is really unnecessary." Mindy continued. "It never works."

"Well too bad; I insist." The girl replied, grabbing a drink from the fridge. "Safety in numbers."

"This'll be so much fun." Chad grinned. "A slumber party with the core four."

"Core four?" Sam repeated bemusedly.

"Did you just give us a nickname?" Tara deadpanned.

"I did indeed." Chad grinned. We've been through a lot together, we deserve one." The boy shrugged. "Plus, it's a pretty cool nickname."

"That's debatable." Mindy said dryly. 

"Extremely debatable." Tara agreed.

"You can't just give yourself a nickname, dingus." Mindy shook her head.

"Oh of course I can, dingus, because I just did." Chad replied. "Core five. Up top!" he offered his high-five to his sister, who shook her head with a blunt, "No."

"Down low." He gestured to Tara, but the girl laughed and shook her head jokingly.

"Get that away from me."

"Please, for the love of God." Chad groaned to Sam, offering his hand to her.

"Don't do it." Vienna laughed.

"You know, I would really like a little more respect and support from my fellow members of the core five..." Chad said, and the others laughed, shaking their heads and rolling their eyes.

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