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THEY MADE IT BACK TO THE APARTMENT, where Sam left the room to take a walk outside. And Vee's dragon scale dress—as cute as it looked on her—wasn't exactly the most comfortable costume to wear, so she went to go change in her room.

The rest of the friends sat in the living room of the girls' apartment, watching the news about two murders that had taken place last night—the names of the victims still remained unknown, but Mindy murmured a "holy shit" under her breath. Anika gently grabbed her girlfriend's hand.

"Can someone go and get Vee?" Chad said, looking around. "She and Sam need to see this."

"I'll go get her." Ethan offered, taking off his own cardboard costume. Chad moved to the staircase to shout to the floor below, calling for Sam. Ethan stood up and left the couch area, walking through the hallway of the apartment to Vienna's bedroom where he knocked on the door politely just in case. "Hello?"

He tried knocking again. "Vee?" There was still no reply, so the boy hesitantly opened the door, only for his eyes to quickly widen at the sight before him.

Vienna was facing the window, towards the direction away from the door. She had a pair of air-pods in, and was rummaging around a messy collection of clothes sitting at the foot of her bed. She was wearing nothing but her underwear, which unfortunately for Ethan (or fortunately?) happened to be nothing more than a few lacy scraps that left little to the imagination. 

"Shit!" Ethan hissed, whirling around to hide his face and avoid looking at Vienna's near-naked figure. In his haste, he accidentally banged his head against the door. Vienna whipped her head around at the sound of his head hitting the wood as the boy knelt down, letting out a moan of pain.

"Oh shit." she said, hurrying over. "Ethan, you okay?"

"Yea, I'm fine—" he raised his eyes to meet hers, before remembering that she was practically naked. She was facing towards him now, so he caught a glimpse of her chest, small tits covered by a thin, black, lacy material that really did nothing to hide the view. Ethan turned bright red. "Fuck!" The boy quickly ducked his head down again. "You're naked." He reminded in a high-pitched voice.

Vienna looked down. Her eyes widened. "Oh shit, yeah. I forgot about that." she didn't make any move to cover up though. Instead, only tried to peer into the boy's eyes beyond his bangs. "You good? Is your head okay?"

The boy nodded, face red as he refused to make eye contact, still trying to hide his eyes behind his bangs. "Don't like what you see?" she teased lightly.

The boy choked. Vienna laughed, a full and rich sound that had Ethan's face turning even more red. "It's not like—it's not like I don't appreciate the view! I mean!" If it was even humanly possible to turn even more red, Ethan did exactly that. "I mean—that's not what I meant! Like, you're very beautiful and you have a very nice body—I mean you don't have a nice body! Wait, no—shit—I mean, no! But not like no, no just like—no! You have a very very nice body! But like! Not in a pervy way! I swear I'm not a pervert; I wasn't looking on purpose! You have a very nice body but that's not—I'm not—I don't mean—!" the boy let out another desperate squeak of despair.

Vienna threw her head back in laughter, stumbling onto the bed and falling onto it as she clutched her stomach and howled with amusement. Ethan practically resembled a human tomato at this point. "I'm so sorry." he bemoaned. "I didn't mean—I didn't mean any of it, I swear."

"You mean to say you don't enjoy the view at all?" Vienna teased, once she had regained control of herself. The smile on her face wouldn't fade away though, and soft puffs of laughter still exited her lips as she gazed at Ethan. She teasingly traced the edge of her stomach, and Ethan's eyes traced her motion, watching her with a gulp. Then he noticed the faint lines around her body—deep, jagged lines that looked like they'd hurt a lot once upon a time.

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