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THE FRIENDS SAT in the back of the ambulance, still in frozen shock of the memories from their traumatizing night. Paramedics finished stitching up the wound on Vienna's palm while Mindy rested her head on her friend's shoulders.

As the paramedic left the group, Vienna stroked Mindy's head softly. There were no words exchanged between them. Only silence, as Vienna did her best to offer what comfort she could to the grieving girl.

Sam stood at the fence to the alleyway. She leaned against it, smoking a cigarette as Danny approached her. Her eyes were glued to the coroners as they carried away Anika in a bodybag. It was clear she blamed herself.

"This isn't your fault, Sam." He told her in a soft voice.

Sam looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "Oh, but it is."

The sirens continued to whirl, and there was a small crowd gathered around, behind the yellow tape. A college boy made his way through, ducking under the tape to approach the group. Vienna's eyes widened when she saw him, and she stood up sloppily. 

She started forward, wanting to run at him and hug him, but Chad pushed her back, storming forward first. As he met Ethan in the middle, he grabbed the other boy by his shoulders and slammed him against a nearby van. 

"Where were you?" He demanded furiously.

"To wha—when?" Ethan said, his eyes flickering over worriedly to Vienna, who was half-sitting, half-crouched in the ambulance van, watching the pair with hesitant eyes.

"Last night!" Chad tightened his grip on Ethan's collar. The boy glanced down at Chad's hands, then back to his face. The black-haired male slammed the other boy against the vehicle again, in a warning to get him to answer faster.

"What? I had Econ!" Ethan said, panicked breaths leaving him as he glanced over again at Vienna. "You know this! I—is Vienna, okay man? Is everyone okay? What happened?"

"Bullshit man!" Chad spat. "You disappear for the night and my sister almost gets killed!"

"Dude," Ethan raised his hands up defensively. "I was in a study hall with like, a hundred other people! You can ask anyone! Ask the detective to look into it!"

Chad paused for a moment, staring the boy down, before releasing Ethan from his grip. "Fuck, man." He backed away, leaving back to Tara. No longer held back by anyone else, Vienna rushed forward, immediately throwing herself against him. The boy's arms wrapped around her immediately, and she pressed her mouth against his desperately, in a fierce, passionate kiss. 

"Vee." The boy said when they finally stopped, pausing for air. He pressed his forehead to hers. "Shit, Vee, are you okay?"

"Fuck, Ethan." She said, eyes tearing up again. "I was so worried last night. Thank god you weren't there."

"Are you alright, Vee?" Ethan murmured softly, his fingers moving underneath the girl's chin to tilt her face up. His soft doe-brown eyes scanned her face worriedly, checking for injuries.

The girl shook her head. "I...I'm fine. Honestly, I got the least amount of injuries in comparison to the others. Small gash on my hand, but I'm otherwise fine."

Ethan frowned, his hands quickly moving to lift up her left palm, examining the wound there that had just been stitched up by a paramedic. His eyes darkened. 

"I can't believe you got hurt. I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry." He suddenly engulfed her in a fierce hug, squeezing her tightly. 

"It's fine, Ethan, it's fine. It was just a scratch. I'm fine." She said, though her voice cracked for a moment. She was very much not fine. Anika had died. One of her closest friends was dead. 

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