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THE BOY SMIRKED as he took in the shocked expression on his girlfriend's face.

"You fucker." was all Vienna could manage. "You motherfucker."

"Mindy was right," the boy had on an insufferable grin as his father ruffled his hair. "It was easy to juke the roommate lottery. I mean, all I had to do to meet you guys was room with the conceited, condescending alpha—literally named Chad! Fuck, it felt good to kill him!"

The boy looked besides himself with glee, and Vienna felt disgust bubble up within her. Chad was one of her closest, dearest friends. Sure, the guy could be an idiot—and hell, Ethan was right: he acted like an absolute male-alpha idiot. But he was also sweet, and kind, and caring; he was her friend. And Ethan was one of the motherfuckers that killed him.

"I'm going to rip your dick off." Vienna promised. "You filthy peice of shit." Backstabbing traitor, she thought. Damn it. Even after last time—after last time—

Her vision swam for a moment, and she nearly crumpled right then and there. She had finally thought she could trust someone with her heart again. And here he was, the boy she had trusted her heart with—handing it back with a dagger imbedded through the middle.

Fuck, Mindy was right. She really did have a fucking type: backstabbing, traitorous assholes who had a penchant for killing her friends and an apparent stabbing kink. Or choking? Since technically, Ethan hadn't stabbed her. Yet.

"I don't understand." Sam said, staring at the boy in disbelief.

"I don't fucking need to." Vienna let out a strangled half-laugh. "I'm going to kill you, Ethan. I'm going to fucking kill you."

The boy shrugged, unbothered by the girl's threats. "I thought you would know better by now, darling. Never trust the love interest, remember? You'd think after last time, you would've learned your lesson." The boy let out a cruel laugh, so unlike the sound of bright, innocent laughter Vienna knew so well.

She wanted to claw the smirk right off his face.

Ethan lifted up his mask, pointing his bloody knife to it. "This was your grandmother's, Sam. Nancy Loomis. Really runs in the fucking family, doesn't it? And speaking of family," The boy chuckled.

"—wait for it—" Detective Bailey winked at them, as if they were in on some sort of joke.

"—my name's not Ethan Landry! Is it, dad?" He turned to Detective Bailey with a grin.

"Wha—dad?" Vienna spluttered in disbelief.

Detective Bailey was cackling, as he ran a hand through Ethan's hair. "What? Never saw the family resemblance?"

"Not really, no." A sneer formed on Vienna's face. "Other than the fact that you're both two ugly looking motherfuckers. But that's a common enough trait in New York City." The girl was lying out of her ass, but they didn't need to know that.

Ethan snorted. "We both know you don't think that's true."

Okay, so shit. He already knew that.

Damn him to hell and back.

"Wait," Sam's eyes flickered between the two of them. "If it's you two then...that's just leaves..." the last Ghostface turned to her, quirking their head to the side as if to prompt the girl to continue. Sam's voice broke. "...Mindy?"

Tara stared, eyes wide with fresh tears. Vienna gripped her brick tighter in her hand. The Ghostface pulled their mask off slowly, to reveal a face the three girls hadn't expected at all.

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