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Hello nice to see you again😊
Witney's pov
It has been exactly 8 months, 3 weeks, and 5 days since me and Mark told our parents about the child. Yes child, we're not having twins first. I was a little sad at first, but I knew I would love our little boy so much.
"Hey Witney" Mark said coming into the apartment. He gives me a quick kiss. "Hey little guy, when you gonna come out" he said kissing my stomach. We were gonna wait till after we had the baby to get married. It would just be easier.
Late night... 8:00 pm
It was time for dwts, this season I was being a judge. I took place for Len, he moved to London for a while. It was Marks time to dance, I loved watching him dance. I could give him a 10 every time but I'm not judging on love I'm judging the dance. I take a few notes watching the dance.
"Ok Carrie Ann" Tom said. Carrie Ann started talking, as she was talking I started to feel nauseous.
"Witney, your thoughts" Tom said. I stand up.
"Mark, help" I said before my water broke.
Marks pov
"Mark help" Witney said in pain. I get over to her, by that time her water had broken.
"Mark I'm having this baby" she said in pain.
"Ok I got you baby girl" I said carrying her bridal style off the stage.
"We need to get her to the hospital Mark" Lindsay said.
"I know I'm heading to our car now" I said starting to run. We got to our car I placed her in the passenger seat and ran to the drivers side. I got in and started the car. We got onto the road and I weaved through the traffic.
"Mark don't get in an accident" Witney said.
I looked out my mirror and saw cars all behind us, dwts pros. We pull into the hospital. I grab Witney and run in.
"Her water broke" I scream coming in. Doctors ran up to us. I followed them as they pushed her.
"Are you her husband?" A lady asked
"We're engaged if that counts" I said with a smile.
"It doesn't" she said monotone.
"None of her family lives here though, I'm the closes thing to family here" I said pleading.
"Ok come on back" she said. I followed her into a room where Witney was. I grab her hand.
"Mark you should be really happy that your not a girl" she said.
"Hahaha, you ok, you look a little pale"
"Mark my water broke, I'm about to give birth, I think I'm suppose to be pale" she said
"Ok were gonna start pushing in a bit Witney for now just relax and take deep breaths" the doctor said.
Time passes... 11:00 pm
I look into the little glass window and see your little boy in a crib. They take him out of the crib. They must be bringing him to Witney. I walked back in the room.
"I think they're gonna bring him in wit" I said to her.
"Great, I want to see how beautiful he is" she said smiling. Right then the nurse walked in with our little boy.
"Here you go mrs. Ballas" she said handing Witney the baby.
Witney's pov
He looked so much like Mark, he had my blue eyes.
"I will love you forever and ever" Mark said leaning down and kissing his forehead.
"So any name choices" the nurse said smiling.
"Yeah we decided on Ryan Derek" I said smiling.
"What a lovely name" she said back. Let me go get the paper work.
"Once we get the paper work done do you want me to go get everyone in the lobby" Mark asked.
"Yeah I want them to be able to see Ryan tonight" I said back. The nurse returned. Ok so Witney I need you to write your name there.
Marks pov
"Mark can you hold him" Witney asked looking up at me.
"Of course babe" I said taking the delicate creature in my arms. While I was holding Ryan, he opened his eyes. They were this beautiful dark blue. He already some dark hair on his head too.
"Ok now Mark you need to sign here" I pick up the pen and sign my name. I write Ryan Derek Ballas on the name line. They get Ryan's foot prints and put them on the paper. The nurse leaves.
"Ok I'll go get everyone else, and wit you might want to call our parents" I said leaving the room. I got on the elevator and rode down. I walk to the lobby. Everybody surrounds me. I hear a million questions being asked to me at once.
"Guys she's fine and yes your allowed to go see her right now" I said. They all rush into the elevator, and the rest of us go take the stairs. We get there and everybody has already surrounded Witney.
"What did name him" Jenna asked in awe.
"Ryan Derek" she said looking over at Derek, who was standing next to me.
"Dude your awesome" Derek said bringing me in for a hug.
"Witney I'm gonna call your parents and mine I'll be right back" I said. I walk out into the hallway. I call my mom.
"Hey Mark why are you calling so late"
"Witney went into labor"
"Oh my gosh Mark is she still awake"
"Yeah but everyone is here, you should just come in the morning"
"Ok I will see you tomorrow"
I hung up. Next I call Witney's mom.
"Hello mrs. Carson, it's Mark"
"Hello is something wrong with Witney, why are you calling at this time"
"Witney had her child tonight"
"Oh, Tyler, Witney gave birth" I heard through the phone.
"Mark when can we come over to see him"
"Um my parents are coming in tomorrow"
"Ok then we will see you tomorrow" she said excited. I hung up then. I walked back into the room. Witney looked exhausted.
"Guys I think we need to let Witney get her rest" I said.
"Yeah ok" I heard Lindsay say. I heard a lot of congratulations. I walk over to her bed when everybody was out.
"I love you wit, both of our families will be here tomorrow to see this little cutie" I leaned down and gave her a kiss.
"I love you too" was all she could say before she fell asleep. I took Ryan out of her arms.
"I love you little boy, sleep tight" I said then kissed his forehead. I returned him to the nurse and she put him back in his little crib.

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