Wedding day: Part 2

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Sorry about the slow updates, basketball is taking over my summer
Marks pov
I just got married to the love of my life. Not only that but we're having another little kid. I'm so happy for us. We walked to the building we rented for our reception. It looked amazing. Derek approached us, "congratulations guys, hope you have an awesome marriage"
"Thanks Derek" Witney said. I gave him a bro hug. Everyone else started coming in. I saw Witney's parents walk into the room with Ryan. I ran up to them to grab him.
"Congratulations, Mark" her mom said giving me Ryan.
"Dada what this" Ryan said pointing to nothing.
"What do you want to know" I said
"What this" he said again but pointing his finger all around.
"Oh, this is a wedding"
"Weing" he tried to pronounce.
"Yeah, good job Ry" I said giving him a high five. Witney came over to me and said that we can sit down. I still held Ryan in my arms so that he wasn't running around all night.
"So where are we going tonight" Witney whispered in my ear.
"You'll find out over time" I said to her grabbing her hand. The waiter then came out and served us our food. It was delicious. Ryan didn't like it very much but we just started trying him on real food. We had a little kids area for them all to go play so we decided to put him in there. It was time for me and wit to do our dance together.
Witney's pov
We walked out on the dance floor and waltzed around the floor. I rested my head on his shoulder. He kept whispering sweet things in my ear.
"I am the luckiest guy ever to have such a beautiful girl like you" he whispered
"I am the luckiest girl ever to an awesome guy like you" I said back. The song came to an end and we shared a kiss before we went and sat back down. People came up to us and would tell us congratulations. Then I saw someone I definitely wasn't expecting to be here, Jean. Why would she come, this is just a memorial of her terrible mistake she made?
"Hey congratulations you two, you make a-" she got cut off by Camry carrying Ryan who was crying.
"He hit his head on the table" Camry said giving him to me. I took him and wrapped him up in my arms. I rubbed his back.
"It's ok Ry, your fine."
"Give him to me wit" Mark said. I handed him to Mark and he started rocking him until he settled.
"It's ok daddy's got you" he said as Ryan made a whimper.
"Ok sorry about that, where were you" I said to Jean.
"Oh I think I was saying that you two make a great couple"
"Thank you" I said. Mark was still calming Ryan but Jean went up to him.
"I wish this could have been me and you babe" she said then kissed Mark cheek. I walked over to him a little mad.
"Hey wit, there's no need to worry about that, we just got married, and we're having another little kid. I love you, you know that. There's no way I would ever go back to her"
I knew Mark was telling the truth. I was so lucky to have him. We were letting anyone come and dance with us. So I first danced with Derek, then Val, Dylan, and so on. Then my little boy came up to me.
"I wanna dance mama" he said. I picked him up and held his hand. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before he had to walk away. I didn't know the next guy but he looked familiar.
"Hey Witney" he said smiling.
"Hi, how do I know you"
"I'm Ethan, you know your first real boyfriend"
"Oh yeah nice to see you again"
"You too, you know wit I was an asshole back then. I shouldn't have pressured you into doing anything"
"Oh it's fine, it happened so long ago I barely recall it"
"Good" he said, he started reaching lower on my back until he reached my butt. He rested his hand there. That was my last dance.
"Who was that last boy you danced with wit" Mark asked.
"It was my first boyfriend, Ethan, why"
"It's just I heard you two talking, and I saw him grab your ass" he said the last part a little but quieter.
"Mark it's not that big of a deal, it was for 5 seconds and I hated all of them"
"Ok, so when do you want to tell everyone"
"Everyone what"
He just poked at my stomach to answer my question.
"Oh why don't we now" I said
"Great" he said pulling me over to the table.
Mark grabbed his glass and tapped his fork on it.
"Sorry to interrupt but me and wit would just like to announce something" Ryan ran into Marks arms.
"Um well today the wedding started late as most of you know, so the reason for that is..."
"I'm pregnant again" I said as everyone gasped and clapped for us. My parents came up to us.
"Oh this day just keeps getting better" my mom told me in a hug. Marks parents then came up.
"I'm so happy for you guys" Shirley said.
"Whas goin on" Ryan asked me.
"Mommy is having another baby, your gonna be a big brother"
"Ohhhh, is it gir or boy"
"Um we don't know yet"
"Where it at"
"I'm my tummy"
"How it get there"
"Ummmm" Me and Mark just kept looking at each other awkwardly.
"I'll tell you tomorrow Ry" Mark said.
The reception had finished and it was time to get on an airplane and fly to wherever and have an amazing honeymoon. We said our goodbyes to everyone and started to drive to the airport. I was gonna miss Ry so much. I was so used to reading him a bedtime story every night. Well whatever, I can call home anytime I want.

Yahhhh markney married!!! Sorry I really wanted to update this and it's so late at night. This has been such a busy week, I have basketball everyday and my legs are killing me. Soooo my life sucks. I don't think my honeymoon has been used in any other story so hopefully it's good. Byeeee guys love you all!😘
-Jensen 🐢

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