Bachlorette party

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Tiredness is killing me today😴
Witney's pov
Tonight was my bachelorette party, the boys and girls had to have it on different nights because no one could watch Ryan for us. We were all going out to eat, then we were going to the new club. I put on a red high-low dress, black wedges, and added gold jewelry. I walk out of my bedroom.
"Well someone looks good" Mark said looking at me.
"Thanks" I said giving him a quick kiss.
"Ryan don't you think your mom looks amazing" Mark pointing to Ryan.
"Mama" Ryan said pointing at me. I pick him up.
"Yeah mama, and..." I said hoping he would say dada. He didn't though. I still don't know how he said my name before Mark. He's with Mark a lot more than I am.
"Ok I got to go, I'll see you tonight" I said leaving. I got into my car and drove to the restaurant. Everyone was already there, like I expected.
"Yahhh there's our bride to be" Jenna said excited. We all ordered food and talked and laughed the entire time. They brought out the check and we all placed some money in the middle. We made a pact when we first ate out together, no one ever covers the bill by themselves and everyone has to give at least $10 into the meal. We talk for awhile longer and then get back into our cars. We drive to the new club, it's called exchange la. (Actual place) We got VIP access, pretty much means we got to cut the line and we get free drinks. We arrived and got out of our cars. We told the guard who we were and he let us in. We all got to the second floor and sat at a table. A waiter came to our table.
"What can I get for you all" he screamed over the music. We all ordered alcoholic drinks and talked.
"I should of done this before I got married" Lindsay said.
"Lindsay we did the exact same thing for your bachelorette party" I said laughing. She obviously had enough to drink already.
"We should dance" Lindsay slurred out. We all agreed and got out on the floor. We started dancing together in no beat, no one would have thought we were professional dancers. Brittany came over to me.
"Not to bum you out or anything but I just saw Jean here"
I roll my eyes. "Ugh thanks for telling me Brit your awesome." After dancing for another 10 songs we went and sat back down. And of course the table right next to us was Jean and her friends. We sat down trying to pretend like we didn't see them. I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey Witney what are you guys doing here" Jean asked smiling.
"Bachelorette party" I respond
"Oh who's getting married"
"I am"
"What? You and Mark are getting married"
"Yeah and we have a kid"
"Yikes his parents must have been mad"
"Actually they were happy for us, they had no doubt that we weren't going to be great parents." I knew I was making her mad.
"But enough about me how is your life going"
She and her friends walked away.
"Gosh that was rude" I said to the girls. They all laughed at what I had said. It was starting to near that time for a lot of us. Especially Lindsay, usually she is the one to stay sober but sometimes she losses that.
"Tonight was the best night ever" I told them all.
"Lies, lies, Witney Carson, we all know the best night of your life was when you made your child-" Lindsay started saying
"LINDSAY" we all said at the same time.
"And on that note I think it's time for us all to leave" Emma said. I hug all the girls and tell them goodnight. I get back in my car and drive to our apartment.
"So how was your night" Mark said laying on the couch.
"Good, was Ryan behaving well" I asked
"Oh he was great, your gonna be so happy"
"What, why" I asked
"Ryan finally said my name"
"What he did" I ran into marks arms.
"Yep he really did"
"Oh Mark that's great"
We both went to bed right after that, I didn't tell Mark about the whole Jean thing. I'll bring it up tomorrow.

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