Wedding plans

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So if anyone knows how to put more than one photo on a chapter please tell me!!
Witney's pov
Ryan was already 4 months old. He was such a happy baby, in the day time. At night he would whine and wake both me and Mark up. It was terrible, but it is getting better. Today we were having some people over. Some as in, Emma, Lindsay, brittney, Jenna, Artem, Derek, Val, and Dylan. Everyone was over at our house by 3:00 pm.
"Ok now that everyone is here, it's time to talk about the wedding" I said. Mark walked in holding Ryan.
"What took you so long" Derek asked.
"I had to change a diaper, you really think I'm good at that" Mark said sitting down. He put Ryan on the floor with the rest of his toys.
"Wit who is being the flower girl and ring bearer" Lindsay asked.
"Well I was thinking Camry as flower girl and I don't know about the ring bearer." I answered
"Why don't you have AJ be the ring bearer" Mark said
"Ooo good idea" I'll call Alfonso tomorrow.
"So when are we having this wedding" Jenna asked
"That's on the to do list" Mark said. I felt someone tug at my leg. I looked down and saw Ryan trying to grab my leg. He babbles something and I pick him up.
"We will have to do it in the summer, it's the only time we're all free" Mark said. We all nod our heads in agreement.
"How about June 18th" I said looking around
"That will work" Artem said
"Fine with me" Derek added.
"Ok so when are we going to get the dresses" Lindsay said
"And tuxes" Dylan added.
"How about next week we all meet here again, boys will go with boys, and girls will go with girls." Mark said.
"Ok but I call taking Ryan" I said smirking
"What no Ryan is a boy, he comes with us" Mark said.
"Mark I pushed that kid out of me, just let me have him for a day" I said sounding convincing.
"Ok whatever" Mark said disappointed.
We all sat around and talked, we also ordered some food. The boys went and got it while the girls stayed and relaxed.
"So wit when you gonna put him in dance" Emma said.
I laughed. " I think me and Mark decided at the age of 2"
I put him back on the floor to play and craw around. He crawled back to us and started playing with Jenna's foot.
"Ry why are you messing with people's feet" I said getting up to pull him off.
"It's fine wit he's just a little boy" Jenna said smiling. The boys walk in and Ryan's attention went to them. He started crawling towards them. Mark picked him up when he got over there.
Marks pov
"So what are you having for dinner little boy" I said to Ryan. He started kicking his feet and flailing his arms. Witney went to the fridge and got some food for him. I put a bib on him and sat him in his high chair. Witney sat next to him and fed him. When he finished he had food all over his face. He started crying for some reason when I wiped off the food.
"Witney what did I do" I said over his crying
"I don't know what did you do"
"All I did was wipe off the food on him mouth"
"Maybe he was saving it for later" Witney said back. I picked him up and started rocking him. "Do you think this will work" I asked Witney
"Well it sounds like he's calming down"
"Why don't we put him to bed a little early tonight" she said walking down the hallway. I followed her to his room. Witney said we needed to change him first so she did that. She put a new diaper on him, then changed him into a solid blue onesie.
"Ok Mark he's all yours" she said leaving the room. I grabbed Ryan and sat down in his rocking chair. I got him to sleep in less than 10 minutes. I put him back in his crib, placed his blanket over him, and put his stuffed elephant in his arms. I kissed him on the head and closed the door when I left. I walked back to the living room and sat down right next to Witney. We started watching American sniper. After about 30 minutes of watching the movie we heard Ryan crying.
"I'll get him" Witney said getting up. She got up we paused the movie to make sure she didn't miss anything. I thought I heard Witney in Ryan's room. I told everyone to be quiet. I heard Witney singing to him. I smiled at her beautiful sound. I walked back to his room. Witney was sitting in the rocking chair and singing. She saw me.
"Oh sorry Mark I didn't mean to be that loud" she said placing Ryan back in his crib. We walked back out and watched the rest of the movie.

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