Part Thirty Five

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Part Thirty-Five

"I'll put the damn bracelet on, Austin." I grumble into the phone, sliding out of the bed.

Nana watches me curiously, stepping back. "What? Yes, I know but that's not why I'm calling. You disappeared."

My face relaxed, oh he's not calling about the bracelet. I feel a little bad about the tone I answer the phone. "I was woken up."

"By who?"

I look up at nana, standing to stretch my arms. "Nana."

"She's with you now." He says and I have the sensation to look around for him, like he is lurking nearby watching me. "Feel you, not see you."

"Right, yeah."

"I have to work today but I'm free after two. Wanna hang out?" he asks.

I glance at my bedside table, the small clock there tells me it's barely nine o'clock. I'd have to find something to fill me time, a worrying thought. What am I going to do between now and two o'clock?

I don't like the fact I'm suddenly reduced to this odd feeling of waiting around for him. It's not a familiar emotion I've had to deal with and I'm almost certain it's an effect of our bond together.

"There's plenty you can do between now and two o'clock. Catch up with Emily, I'm sure she has a million things running through her head after yesterday." Austin answers my thoughts.

"Right. I'm putting the bracelet back on, I don't know if I like you in my head." I lie. It's oddly comforting, having him in my head. I did not think I would like it but it's kind of nice.

I think about what Nicole and Mitchell said when describe what it was like, it's an extraordinary way to get to know someone, learning the things deep within someone's mind. It's a very uncomplicated way to get to know someone, Austin will be able to know everything.

Which sounds scary, if it weren't for the fact, I could know everything about him too.

I know exactly where he is. He's sitting on his bed, his foot fidgeting bouncing on the ground. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knee as he impatiently waits for me to talk.

The bond...complete it...five ridiculously long months...

His thoughts drift back to our shared kiss and the moments before he realised, I was actually in his dreams. His thoughts are all over the place, no real logic except one desire to complete the bond. A driving force that I barely know myself.

I can feel it lingering in the back of my mind and the more I think about it and listen to his thought the more the thought becomes prominent in my own head. There's a nagging thought in my head telling me to complete the bond, satisfy the completeness with Austin.

"Put the bracelet back on, Isla. I'll call you at two." Austin hangs up right after.

He throws his phone onto his bed and bounds out of his bedroom, shoving me out of his head. I feel him mentally push me away, refusing to give up more of his thoughts. I wonder if this is what it's like to block him and wonder if that's what it's like when I'm wearing the bracelet.

Right, the bracelet.

"Everything okay, Isla?" nana speaks up, reminding me she's in my room.

I look over my shoulder at her before digging around in my bed for that damn bracelet. "Yeah, all good. Sorry about the alarms."

"It's okay. What are you looking for?"

I pull my blanket back, shaking it in case the bracelet is tangled up in it. "That bracelet. I think it came off last night. I hope it's not broken."

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