Chapter 7

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(Marilyn's pov))
When I wake up the next day I get changed into:

I walk downstairs and make breakfast and then everyone wakes up and comes downstairs and then I walked to my motorcycle and head to the school with the lunch I made and I walked to my classroom and waited for the students to enter and when they do...

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I walk downstairs and make breakfast and then everyone wakes up and comes downstairs and then I walked to my motorcycle and head to the school with the lunch I made and I walked to my classroom and waited for the students to enter and when they do I start teaching until the lesson ends and I tell them before they leave that they have to do an assignment they have to draw or paint a picture of a landscape they feel inspired by and then they leave.

After 2 more classes to teach it was lunch time and I was eating in my classroom alone and then Alaric walked in looking stressed so I gestured for him to sit.

Me: what's wrong?
Alaric: I don't think Jenna likes me and when I kissed her my soulmark burned and she says that I should be honest about my past but I don't want to.
Me: Alaric you and Jenna are soulmates you just need to be honest because you never know someone can always come along and ask her out.
Alaric: that's true but she's my mate.
Me: she can still reject you.
Alaric: how do you know that?
Me: because that's what I feel will happen I have 16 I have been mated to 4 and 1 is barely around and he like the doppelgänger known as Elena and I fear he is going to reject me and leave me and Elena has her mate it's Matt and I know that but she won't kiss him and I always knew that if I met my mates it won't last.
Alaric: why won't it last?
Me: because I don't know how to love and 1 out of 4 that I have mated with is fawning over my sister and I think that after I have met all and mated with them they are all gonna leave me in the end.

The bell rang meaning there was going to be students soon so Alaric walked out and I started to get ready for my lesson and then after the lesson and everyone walked out after me giving them an assignment I walked to my bike got on and rode back to my house unaware someone is following me and then I walked inside and mom and walked over to her and laid on the couch she was sitting on and cuddled her and then the hours went by because we were watching something and then I got up and made dinner.

When I made dinner everyone came down to eat after we have eaten I do the dishes and go upstairs and use my magic to change into my Pajamas and go to sleep.

When I wake up the next day I tell carol I can't go into work today and she tells the school so they have a substitute.

I go through my normal routine and get changed into:

I walk downstairs and make breakfast and when everyone comes downstairs Elijah looks worried so we all sit and talk and I see Elijah being quite so I talk to him

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I walk downstairs and make breakfast and when everyone comes downstairs Elijah looks worried so we all sit and talk and I see Elijah being quite so I talk to him.

Me: hey Elijah
Elijah: hey
Me: you ok you have been pretty quiet.
Elijah: Klaus will be here soon for the doppelgänger.
Me: so what we have her so when Klaus comes we can hand her over.
Elijah: it's just not the doppelgänger we need.
Me: what else do we need?
Elijah: a wolf, vampire and a witch to the spell and the moonstone.
Me: mom has the moonstone.

After awhile I go to the grill to see Matt and while im about to leave someone comes up to me and asks about Tyler and I don't know why and I told her I haven't seen him lately she accuses me of lying and then knocks me unconscious what is it with people knocking me unconscious.

When I wake up there is this dude there with a what
looks like a water pistol and he sprayed it at me and it didn't do anything and he looked shocked so I asked what it was and he said vervain.

I hear a commotion outside and he goes out to check and he hasn't been back since.

(Katherine's pov)
It's been a couple hours since Marilyn went to the grill so all the witches are looking for her and they find her in the woods a little deeper from the house and with wolves we all go there and start a racket.

After awhile we end up saving Marilyn and then we take her back to her house.

(Marilyn's pov)
We are all playing spin the bottle again because Lexi requested it and I ended up kissing Elijah,rose and Trevor and I felt my soulmark burn and I found 3 more after awhile I head upstairs and use magic to change into my pajamas and go to sleep.

(Jenna's pov)
I found my soulmate and it's Alaric and when he came here one time he told me about a conversation with one of the teachers and told me her name was Marilyn and I never knew she worked at the school and I start to believe Marilyn was right and I tell Jeremy and Alaric and we pack our stuff and move out leaving Elena on her own and Stefan and Damon left her alone when they realised that Matt was her mate and they have been staying at the Salvatore house and we drove there and asked if they knew where Marilyn's house is and Damon does and we follow Damon by car.

(Marilyn's pov)
I am shaken awake by Finn and gave him a glare and he told me to walk downstairs and when I did there was a knock on the door and when I opened I was surprised to see Jenna, Jeremy and Alaric and I slammed the door in Their faces and walked back upstairs and went back to sleep.

(Freya's pov)
We all just watched Marilyn slam the door in her ex family's face and the Salvatores but I don't think she realised the Salvatore's were there and now we are wondering what to do so Elijah is about to open the door when there was a blast throwing him across the room.

(Katherine's pov)
I laugh causing everyone to look at me and I tell them Marilyn spelled the door so they can't get in and we haven't even told the Salvatores that we have Elena.

Authors note: for the cast what I wrote under them just pretend they say those during scenes when they get taken. (When Marilyn was in the woods captured by wolves : pretend that's when Katherine says about how there is a lot of people who care and are there to hurt the wolves) or you can pretend they don't say them at all up to you

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