Part Thirty Seven

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Part Thirty-Seven

"I think we should all sit back down, and I'll tell you everything." Amy points to the couch.

I open my mouth to argue but Anya tugs my shirt. I look over my shoulder, she nods to the couch and gives me a look. I don't argue and simply move to sit on the couch.

Amy guides nana over to the couch and sits with her across from me. Anya opts to sit beside me, offering her hand palm up on the couch between us. I stare at her hand, wondering why she's offering it. I know why but why is she offering it. We barely know each other.

"A very long time ago the same thing that happened to you, happened to you." Amy gestures from me to nana.

The same thing that happened to me, happened to nana? An immediate surge of guilt races through me as I doubted nana before. But I shove those feelings down, waiting for the entire story.

"Almost to the exact detail. Pulled down into the depths but another mermaid, forced into rebirth ritual. Except you didn't go missing, you embraced being a mermaid. I helped you. We spent a lot of our time together, exploring what it's like to be a half-blood. I showed you what being a mermaid was like. Then one day, you came to me and begged me to take it all away." Amy's eyes well up, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

I turn my gaze to nana who has grabbed Amy's hand for comfort. "You loved being a mermaid, I don't know why it changed all of a sudden but...I did what you asked. You wouldn't tell me why, but you pleaded with me, so I took it all away. I took every single memory you ever had of the ocean..."

"Why? Why would you do that?" I ask, directing my question to nana. I cannot imagine ever wanting to give up being a mermaid. Pleading with someone to take it all away. It would be like taking away a piece of myself.

A loud knock pounds on Amy's front door, making me flinch. Anya stands up. "I'll get it, it's just Austin."

"Austin?" I stare at Anya as she leaves the room to answer Amy's door.

"Isla, you have to understand there were exterior forces working against your family. Ones I suspect that are working against you now." Amy reaches for my hand, pulling my attention back to her.

"But you can't tell me anything about my family? Or why we were hidden? Who did? You can't tell me anything, I am still as much in the dark as I was before."

Amy shakes her head. "We can share stories, discuss what has happened with you and I can share what happened with nana. Hell, I'll give you your memories back." Amy turns to nana. "I only need the stone I put them in, I just need to break it and they'll be out."

Nana turns her attention to Amy, her head shaking repeatedly. "I don't want them back. I can't."

"But I'll have answers."

Nana looks at me, a hurt look in her eyes. Not one I think I put there; I think. "I can't explain where this feeling comes from but...there is no desire there. I don't want that."

Amy squeezes her hands. "Perhaps the Soul changed her mind about you, she decided against this life for you and that is perfectly okay." Amy gives me a look.

Austin steps into the room, Anya right behind him. He looks at the scene before him before giving me a questioning look. The bracelet on my hand burns with the recognition that we could share thoughts right now if it weren't for the damn thing.

He walks over to me, sitting down on the couch. "What's going on?"

"You're her mate." Amy states, looking between Austin and me.

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