Chapter One

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Summoning every ounce of energy, Sebastian mustered the courage to knock on his parents' door, his mood noticeably subdued. The tantalising aroma of freshly baked treats wafted through the air, luring him in. His mother, June, opened the door and stood in the entrance, balancing a tray of cupcakes in one hand. Each cupcake boasted vibrant pinks, blues, and yellow frosting. Sebastian heard laughter erupting from the garden, adding to his nerves.

"Seb! You made it in one piece. Welcome, come in! Everyone's out in the garden," June exclaimed, a warm smile lighting up her ageing face as she used her free hand to guide him inside while simultaneously thrusting the tray of cupcakes at him. Sebastian's gaze shifted from the mesmerising swirls of colourful icing on the cupcakes to his mum, her greying hair escaping from a claw clip. She began to pat herself down, ironing out the wrinkles on her dress with her hands and readjusting the clip holding on by mere strands. He felt concerned as he noticed the subtle signs of stress etched on her face as she closed the door. Unable to ignore it, he voiced his concern,

"Hey, are you okay? You seem more stressed than your usual busy self Mum." Sebastian questioned as June retrieved the cupcakes from his grasp. She directed her attention towards the wide-open patio doors, through which animated chatter drifted in from the garden.

"I'm okay. It's just a bit surreal having both families under one roof again since David's wedding," she confessed. With the tray of treats in hand, June made her way towards the kitchen, and Sebastian dutifully trailed behind her. "Don't get me wrong, it's wonderful to have everyone here. Jen's parents are absolute gems, but you know how I can sometimes get a little overwhelmed," she continued.

Sebastian nodded, his eyes drawn to the sight of Jen's energetic nephews, their laughter filling the air as they dashed across the garden in a thrilling game of tag. Their faces beamed, their carefree spirits contagious. Water balloons soared through the sky, exploding into bursts of refreshing droplets, adding an element of excitement to the sunny afternoon. Amidst the lively chaos, Jen's father's booming voice cut through the commotion, commanding them to exercise caution and spare unsuspecting victims from being drenched.

"I didn't realise you invited the whole extended family," Sebastian remarked, his curiosity piqued. He joined June in arranging the remaining food on trays, watching as she aligned the sausage rolls into neat rows and columns.

"Oh... well you know Jen's brother, Jamie, right? Well, he's going through a tough time, poor thing. He's in the middle of a divorce, and he only gets to see the kids on weekends, although it's not like he's actually around. It's always his parents who end up looking after them!" Her words danced with a mixture of sympathy and judgment.

Even though Sebastian is aware of his mother's love for dramatic storytelling, he shakes his head, realising that she often omitted important details. The real story was much more complicated. Sebastian's brother, David, had informed him previously about his brother-in-law's difficulties. He shared that Jamie really did want to be present for his children, but his demanding job always seemed to take over and become the priority. Sebastian couldn't help but empathise with the man. He understood that behind the neglectful image portrayed in his mother's story, there was a genuine struggle and a heartfelt desire to be there for his kids.

"Alright, let's get these little rascals fed before they trample all over my precious flowers," June declared with a determined tone, grabbing two trays laden with delicious savoury and sweet treats while Sebastian swiftly brought out the cupcakes and a jug of ice water. With a watchful eye, he carefully navigated through the flurry of energetic children darting around him, their glee filling the air like music. Each step required caution and agility as he skillfully avoided collisions, ensuring the delicate balance of food and drinks remained intact. It was a fight for coordination amidst the chaos of menaces.

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