Chapter Four

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As they all got settled into their original seats, Nona looked triumphant. Skye was now sitting on the floor boinging her rabbit up and down and over her knee, singing to herself. Her hair already slipping from the makeshift ponytails that Sebastian made.

"Sebastian, I, we, came up with sort of, a trial period for you and Skye." Nona began, "See, our foster parents are currently at full capacity, and the new candidates won't graduate for another couple of weeks. So..."

"I see where this is going", Sebastian interrupts. "You want me to have her until the foster parents can take her in, correct?" Nona nods, Officer Redstaff rolling his eyes. Seb' looked down at the little girl, watching as she made her bunny fly in the air, still singing to it silently.

"What if I mess up?" Seb continued, "What if she doesn't like being with me?"

"I'll be there to help support you in any way I can. We'll also sign you up for some parenting classes and groups. It'll be good for Skye to be around children her own age and for you to find people in a similar position," Nona responds, answering the questions like she is reading a very convincing script.

"You're telling me there are other people out there not having any clue they have a kid, the mother passes, they get brought to the police station, and a kid is sprung on them." Sebastian said without taking a breath, "and they go to these classes?"

Nona's expression is blank as she takes in what Sebastian says.

"Ok, maybe they're not similar in any way, but it'll be good for Skye. Please, we are begging you." Nona pleads, looking between Sebastian and Skye. Skye as if rehearsed, looked up at Seb and tilts her head to the side as she shakes her bunny at him.

Sebastian sinks deeper in to his chair, staring at the lamp hanging from the ceiling as it swings to and fro.

"My brother's been waiting in the car park for over an hour at this point." Sebastian finally speaks up, his response evading a clear answer. Lost, he feels a gentle tug at the fabric of his jeans. Looking down, he finds Skye clutching the bobbles in her tiny hands, her hair a chaotic mess once again.

"They fell out again," she states matter-of-factly, handing him the bobbles and turning her back, expectantly awaiting his assistance. Sebastian's gaze shifts from Skye to the bobbles, then to Officer Redstaff and Nona. With a deep breath, he rises from his seat, ready to face the next step.

"Have you at least got a car seat?" He asks and Nona's eyes light up as she hurries out of the room, presumably to fetch it. Redstaff stands to meet him and extends his hand, Seb' reaches out to shake it.

"You're doing the right thing, son, she needs her dad." Redstaff follows Nona out.


In the car park, David's restless energy is visible as he paces back and forth near his car. His brow furrows, and he absentmindedly presses his finger to his lips in concentration. His phone becomes his constant companion, continually being checked and returned to his pocket, only to be retrieved again moments later. The anticipation and anxiety radiate from him. Sebastian looks at his brother from the reception. In his hand an unfamiliar feeling, a child's hand, he looks down at her and Skye is beaming back at up at him, her hair back in messy ponytails that he'd done while waiting for Nona's car seat.

With the necessary paperwork completed and a slew of upcoming commitments, Sebastian's once carefree existence now feels constricted. As he steps out of the reception, Nona follows closely behind, her voice filled with excitement as she outlines the myriad benefits of fatherhood. She paints a vivid picture of how his life will expand and evolve, emphasising the invaluable support and guidance he will find in the scheduled mummy and me groups. Despite her enthusiastic chatter, Sebastian's mind remains preoccupied with the daunting task of breaking the news to his family.

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