Chapter Five

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Jen trailed behind David and June, eager to join the gathering at the table. Bill was already seated at the head, his appetite on full display as he loaded his plate with generous portions.

"Oh, for goodness sake, Bill, get a hold of your appetite," scolded June, rolling her eyes. She slammed the tea towel onto the countertop and shuffled to the table. Turning her attention to Skye, she offered, "Do you need some help getting onto the chair?" Skye shook her head, indicating she could manage on her own.

"Would you like some help dishing up mum?" Seb emerged from the fridge carrying a jug of water and some juice.

"No, no, just sit yourselves down. It's alright," replied June, gracefully serving each person a perfectly portioned square of lasagne. "I don't have any little person cutlery, so if you struggle, let me know, and I'll help you cut it up," she directed her words specifically at Skye, who held a comically large fork in her hand.

As everyone began to eat, Skye prodded and poked at her food, mumbling to herself. Sebastian stuffed a mouthful of food into his mouth but kept a watchful eye on Skye as she pushed the pasta sheet from side to side.

"Skye, do you need me to cut it up?" June asked, putting her cutlery down.

"I don't like this," Skye whimpered, tears welling up in her eyes as she threw the fork down onto the table.

"Hey now, we don't throw," Jen interjected, her voice slightly harsher than Sebastian would have liked. Meanwhile, David and Bill remained blissfully unaware of the situation, voraciously devouring their food without a care in the world.

Jen's abrupt sudden utterance was enough to push Skye over the edge. The little girl let out a wail, her distress evident as she pushed her plate away, trying to distance herself from the source of her upset. Her cries filled the room, starkly contrasting the clattering of cutlery and the oblivious chewing of David and Bill.

Sebastian's heart sank at the sight of Skye's tears. He quickly rose from his seat, rushing to her side. He knelt down beside her, his voice gentle as he spoke.

"You're alright now, what's up why don't you want to eat, I thought you like Lasagne?" he murmured, wrapping his arms around her.

June, her eyes filled with concern, joined them, stroking Skye's back soothingly. "It's alright, sweetheart. You don't have to eat anything you don't like. We can find something else for you, okay?" June reassured, her voice filled with empathy.

But Skye showed no signs of slowing down, her crying only getting worse as she kicks her legs and begins to smack and punch Seb. Wincing he takes the barrage of attacks and picks her up her flailing body taking her away from the dinner table and in to the hallway.

"I better hel-" June is about to say when Sebastian cuts her off.

"Finish your dinner, I got this please." He finishes flustered with Skye still struggling to get free. Taking a deep breath, Sebastian continued into the hallway. "Let's take a break from eating for now. Skye, would you like to go to your room for a little while? We can find something else for you to eat when you're ready," he suggested gently, trying to give her a sense of control in the situation, but her sobbing never ceased.

"I don-, I d-d-on't w-want th-that f-food" She stumbled over her words as she tries to catch her breath between tears, "Th-that's not w-what mummy m-m-makes."

Sebastian gently lowers Skye onto the cool wooden floor and positions himself beside her, leaning his back against the warm radiator. He pats the floor next to him, inviting her to join him. She stares at him awkwardly still fighting her tears and using her hands to wipe them away.

He watches as Skye continues to battle her tears, using her tiny hands to wipe them away. The sound of her cries pierces through the air, causing Sebastian to wince involuntarily. Her stomping adds an extra layer of frustration.

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