Chapter Three

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As the car speeds towards the police station, Sebastian's eyes remain fixated on the steady progression of the white lines painted on the road, their vanishing act beneath the spinning tires captivating his attention. David's voice, a persistent soundtrack in the background, weaves its way into Sebastian's consciousness, blending with the ambient noise of the world outside. Question after question is delivered, each one absorbed by Sebastian's mind without truly registering, as he teeters on the edge of dissociation, his thoughts wandering into a realm detached from the present moment.

Suddenly, David's words slice through the haze, piercing Sebastian's mental fortress and demanding his attention.

"Dude, why won't you tell me what's happening?" David's voice cuts through the tension, echoing within the confined space of the car. The urgency in his words pulls Sebastian back from the depths of his thoughts. A flicker of concern laces David's voice as he continues, his words flowing with an earnest plea. "Please, you're scaring me. If you're in trouble, you can tell me, okay? I can help you. I have lawyer friends, dude. I can help you navigate whatever this is." David's words spill forth in a torrent, his desperation to be there for his brother was admirable but Sebastian couldn't bring himself to tell David anything.

David makes a sharp right turn, bringing them to a halt in front of the police station. Sebastian's stomach churns with unease, the anxiety bubbling within him threatening to spill over. It rises through his chest, creating an uncomfortable burn in his throat.

David breaks the silence once more, his voice laden with genuine emotion. "I know I've never told you this, but I love you," he confesses, his hand gripping Sebastian's shoulder, his eyes mirroring his brother's pain. "Do you want me to walk you in?"

Sebastian shakes his head, "I'll be okay," he reassures David, mustering the strength to face what lies ahead. "They said I'm not in any trouble, so I'll trust them on that. But there is something I want to get to the bottom of, something I can't share with you just yet." With an irresolute expression, Seb opens the car door and steps out onto the pavement, fixed on the imposing structure of the police station. Nerves continue to dance within him, never quite finding their rest.

Approaching the reception area, Sebastian's senses are assailed by the chaotic racket of voices. Drunken rebellion echoes through the air, mingling with the stern commands of the officers trying to restore order. He's then drawn to the receptionist, who seems lost in the world of her book, her finger gliding along each line of her storybook with precision. The glint of her glasses chain catches his eye, shimmering in the light. With a gentle gesture, she untangles it from her hair, preventing it from getting further entangled.

Sebastian clears his throat, hoping to capture the receptionist's attention. The thick barrier between them suggests she hasn't heard him, leaving him standing awkwardly in silence. Finally, he taps his knuckle against the acrylic barrier and waves when she pops her head up.

"Oh, hello there. Sorry about that," the flustered receptionist apologised, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Setting aside her book, she swiftly opened the small window, directing Sebastian's attention to a metal microphone standing proudly at the bottom right of the shield.

Sebastian, feeling like a character from a villainous tale, began to explain his purpose to the receptionist when Officer Redstaff approached, his hand resting on Sebastian's shoulder.

"You're early," Officer Redstaff remarked, tapping his wristwatch. "Officer Rein has been called out to a disturbance, so you've got me now." Sebastian nodded, silently acknowledging the change in plans, and followed Redstaff towards the offices. They entered a small blue room adorned with a table in the centre and a lamp hanging from the ceiling a room that exuded an undeniable air of interrogation.

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