Part Thirty Eight

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Part Thirty-Eight

We split up for the drive back to my house. Anya drives nana's car back with her and Amy, I opt to go with Austin. He obviously has questions for me, and I want to talk to him too. I feel like my world is bordering on imploding for the second time in weeks.

I need to verbalise my inner thoughts or at least share them with him. I fiddle with the bracelet as I watch him circle his car climbing into the driver's seat. We haven't even spoken about the dream incident in detail.

Something I planned to do when we saw each other this afternoon, after he finished work. He's supposed to be a work and yet here he is.

"Why did you leave work?" I ask as he starts the car.

He lifts a brow. "Really? This is a little more important than work. The boss gets that, more so than anyone."

I nod. "I had every intention on filling you in later. Lord knows we have a lot to talk about."

He stops the car at the end of Amy's long driveway, lingering his gaze on the road before turning to me. "Did you take the bracelet off on purpose?"

I shake my head. "I didn't, it broke. Nana found it outside this morning, fixed it for me."

I spin the bracelet around on my wrist, watching for his reaction. He nods once before the car starts moving again. "It was just unexpected that's all. I'm torn between wanting to rip the bracelet off myself and protecting you. I think I'm starting to lose it..."

His grip tightens on the steering wheel, his leg bouncing in his seat. Instinctively I make a move to provide him the same comfort he afforded me inside. "Please don't." his voice is so quiet I almost miss it.

I pull my hand back to my chest, looking out the window so he can't see my hurt. I just wanted to help him.'s not you.

I nod showing him I heard him because I can feel his eyes staring at me. Several scenarios he's thought out playing in my head, all from his point of view. In one of them he slams the car to a stop, yanks the bracelet off my wrist so hard it cuts into me and the anger that comes with that visual is strong.

I glance over at him, at first, I think it's anger about the bracelet and the barrier it has created but its not. He's angry at himself, for both thinking that or that it is such a close possibility.

The next scenario he shows me is much the same but different circumstances. After our shared dream he'd intended to show up at my house and get rid of the bracelet, the same bout of anger radiating throughout the scenario.

"You can't help it." I whisper, breaking through the scenarios on replay in both his head and mine.

I should be able to.

Despite the fact he doesn't want me to sooth him the same he did for me, I do it anyway. I reach over, stilling the bouncing leg. The angry scenarios and chaos swirling through his head evaporates. The thoughts become much more calming; they echo much the same as how I felt when he touched me earlier.

There is a soothing quality to it and I'm one hundred percent sure its because of our bond. I think about what everyone has been telling me, that we are destined to be together. That the Soul of the Sea chose the two of us to be whole together.

I've never believed that statement any more than I do right now. Not only has his thoughts calmed but I feel centred too.

There is so much craziness going on in my life right now, but he is the eye of the cyclone. The calmness I can centre myself around. And I don't know whether to think that's completely absurd or not.

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