Grusha x mute! Reader

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Plot/Context: Grusha gets into a accident while in the mountains, and he's in bed rest in your little home so you take care of him

"Example" this is a person verbally speaking
'Example' this is indication of sign language

(wasn't sure on how to write about sign language/someone who is mute, if anything is offensive about this please let me know.)
3rd POV

Grusha had slowly awoken, eyes adjusting to the darkness in the room with the moonlight barely shining through. He can't feel anything within his body yet alone move it, he looks around noticing your figure asleep on the chair

He can barely remember anything, all he could recall was going for a walk and then darkness.

"Y/n..?"' He called out weakly but it was enough to wake you up

You shot up instantly, eyes wide. You took his hand gently and starting crying softly.

"What.. happened?" Grusha asked

You pulled your hand away from his and signed
'You we're going to search for a Pokémon but then you were caught in an Avalanche'

"Oh.." his eyes trailed off towards the side slowly remembering the event

"How long was I out?" He asked

'About 10 hours' you signed

His eyes widened, 10 hours?

'Are you hungry I can get you some soup' you signed, asking

He gave you a weak nod, as you stood up and left the room his eyes turned back to the ceiling. His body felt so weak and chilly, he didn't want to move a muscle until you had come back with the soup you offered.

He calmed his mind trying to recollect his thoughts in attempt to remember the full event that had happened before..


Grusha had been in search of a Snom for you since he wanted to give you a gift to show his appreciation. Yes it's all coming back to him

Just as he had caught it and was one his way back towards your guys cozy cabin, he could feel rumbling then before he knew it, a bunch of snow had fallen on top of him before he could react. Then he had fainted..

He had woken up slightly conscious to the sound of a few voices? 2? 3? He couldn't differentiate the voices at the point, he was so cold. He couldn't feel his body

He felt so weak, he knew the voices of the Pokémon center nurse and ghost type gym leader. Who found him? Was it you? He couldn't think straight and soon passed out once more
You return to the room with some soup for Grusha to enjoy, and to help him rest up.

You stayed by his side and got him whatever he needed. You took care of his Pokémon as well, nurse joy swinging by your guys cabin every few days to make sure the ice gym leader was resting well. He had gotten frost bite from how cold it was that day, and how long he was under the snow for.

You were currently wetting a small wash cloth with warm water to apply to his frost bites, Nurse Joy had said to rewarm the areas but to not over do it. Grusha was currently laying on his back, he had gotten frost bite on his feet, hands and nose. You placed the first wash cloth on his nose, gently as to not hurt him. You repeated the process with four more wash clothes.

'Does that feel alright? Is it too warm?' You asked, tilting your head in question

"No no, it's perfect. Thank you" He says closing his eyes, exhaling as he focused on the warmth. Soothing his frost bites

You sat on the edge of his bed, admiring him. He looked so perfect, and calm. You smile to yourself .

Grusha slowly opened his eyes, looking at you

"Y/n?" He asks, you look directly at him to show you were listening.

"I've been meaning to ask, did you find a poke ball when you found me? In the snow I mean"

You perk up, 'yeah we did. What about it" you signed, curious

"Can I have it?" He asks politely

You stood up and went the desk across the room, opened a drawer. Taking out a Loveball from it, walking back over to Grusha. Handing him the Pokeball

"Snom, come out if you may" he says weakly as the Pokémon cried out. Appearing from the Pokeball

You look at him curious, this was the Pokémon he went out of his way for?

"It's for you, I caught it for you. I know how much you adored snom so I thought I'd catch one for you to show my appreciation for all you do for me, my love" he said sheepishly

You smile as tears formed in your eyes, you were overwhelmed with joy. You set your hand on the bed as the snom crawls in your hand, cool to the touch. You look at it, pouting at how cute it is before setting in down on your lap

'Grusha honey, you didn't have to do this for me. Thank you' you signed happily as small tears fell down your face

He lets out a dry laugh, smiling at your reaction. Before closing his eyes again to relax, while you played with the little snom now sitting on your lap..

Within the next few weeks, Grusha's frost bite had healed and you kept showering him with affection to thank him for catching a snom for you. And the fact he had gotten injured just to get a specific Pokémon for you was something you couldn't ever repay him for.
915 words! I hope you like this, I'm a little rusty. It's been a while haha

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