Chapter 1

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He is as good as dead; feelings overwhelm me as my vision blurs for a second. Peace and satisfaction at the sound of his helpless whimpers. I twist my hand around his neck, my gun pressed against the side of his head. It only would take one simple wrong move and he would be dead. My hand tilts his head up.

Seeing the light fade out of their eyes until they leave nothing but a lifeless shell. Taking care of the bodies is the most annoying part of this. That's what employees are for. Just some worthless people that have no choice but do what you say.

My brother would let them kill his targets but personally, I would never turn down the possibility to erase some worthless life out of this fucked up world.

"I'm going to ask you one more time.", I say with low voice, "what. Did. He. Tell. You?" "I- I already said I d-don't know w-what you're talking about-", if he tried to hide that he is lying he did a very bad job. I lower my voice and lean down until my lips are directly next to ear, "I don't like liars you know." He shakes his head in fear as an intense smell crawls up my nose, the growing dark stain in the light gray fabric of his pants makes clear what happened. "Fine", I turn around to face Travis, one of my best men and employees. "Get me the blowtorch." He nods and strolls away quickly.

Just as I want to turn my attention back to that mistake tied to the chair, I see my brother entering the room. He doesn't look happy at all, "what?" I ask him, feeling how my voice lowers to a more dangerous tone.

"You shouldn't torture all these people.", he points towards the man sitting in front of me, "they're just humans like you and me." Of course, he would ruin all the fun. "Can't you mind your own business? I'm making sure that we don't lose our damn reputation since you don't do anything.", he has a talent of getting me pissed no matter what he says.

As kids we used to do everything together until our mother disappeared and our father started to make us rival against each other, it's always been him who had the better grades in school or got more money. We both knew he was the favorite child; he always had been.

Travis' return hits me back to reality. The blowtorch he gave me is burning hot already, I feel the heat rise in my arm and sink deep into my skin even through the thick leather gloves I am wearing. Diego shoots me a judging glare as I turn it on. "I said don't!", he raises his voice slightly, as he steps closer. Ignoring the commands he isn't supposed to give me, I lean down to the man. A spark of hope shimmers in the depth of his eyes starting to fade until it's lost. "No- No please!", are the last words he manages to stutter out before I light his hand on fire and his loud painful screams fill the air of this cell and the rest of the building. Pleasure and amusement rise in my veins as I twist my karambit knife around in my palm before it digs into his chest increasing the volume of his screams.

"Never Disrespect me again.", I demand before I stab my knife into his chest and right into his heart. The life slowly draining out of his eyes; his head sinking to his chest as he lets out a few last groans until he is nothing but a lifeless piece of trash.

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