Chapter 2

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"You're going to hell."

I say turning back to my brother. There's a hint of a smirk in his face.

"And I'll enjoy it."

That man is insane and I get to call him my brother. I get the feeling he enjoys killing people as much as sex. Sometimes I ask myself what father did wrong to deserve a son like him. He's the devil in person.

They call him Luc instead of his actual name. Barely anyone except for his family knows his name. I never understood why he would need a nickname everyone calls him.

It all started in primary school when our father sent us to a public school. Obviously, no one knew who we were, but Luc got himself a very good reputation. Within a month he was the most popular boy and one of the worst bullies. After some time one of his victims started calling him Luc, referring to Lucifer as the representer of the sin of Pride. Fitting for a person like my brother. Our mother always said it'd be his age and that he'd eventually become a lot more mature and authentic.

"I'm raising gentlemen not monsters." She always said. If she would see him now, she'd be disappointed. But as he got older, he got worse.

In his veins runs pure evil. He's merciless, ruthless and has no empathy at all. Never did he let anyone he wanted dead go. He gets what he wants and if not, he'll find a way to take it anyway. Everyone fears him, everyone knows him, everyone in the mafia business at least. Lucifer, the devil and my burden of a brother.

I follow him outside the cell. His steps are slow and controlled as his presence fills the whole corridor. I notice a few guards stand up and fix their posture. I could see the fear in their eyes when he passes by. He carries himself with an immense amount of pride and confidence.

Luc is one of the most powerful men in this world. In the meantime, he's even more feared and known than our father. When people ask about our mafia they think about him, not father.

The thought of a world with him as the leader of the biggest mafia there is terrifies me. It would be an era of war, hate and power for our mafia. But also one of fear and pain for the rest of the world. He has a lot of potential to lead but unfortunately, he uses it wrong.

Luc is a master of manipulation. He could make the happiest person commit suicide because of frustration.

I never knew him well enough to know about his emotions but what I know is that now he isn't the boy I grew up with anymore. I could imagine that he has some serious trauma lingering in his head but I would be the last to know about his struggles.

He walks upstairs to the main hall of our mansion, I follow him. Slowly but steady. He carries himself with so much confidence and power I almost envy him for that. My hands are shaking as he stops and turns to me, "Why the hell are you following me?", he asks. The demanding tone in his voice sends an uneasy thrill down my spine. "In case you need me...?", I answer trying not to show my fear. I never wanted to admit that even I was terrified of him.

"I just", I clear my throat, "want to make sure everything's okay"

"What shouldn't okay?", he cuts me off.

"I- uhm... I don't know-?", my hands are starting to get sweaty.

The fear rises to my throat and cuts the air off. Luc steps closer... slowly. My body shakes as I fight the urge to step back with every drop of courage I still have left in me. He's standing right in front of me, his height towering over me.

We might be identical twins but he's taller, his skin is clearer, he's way more confident... He's everything I'm not, everything I always wanted to be.

I hold my breath. He lays his hand on my shoulder; cold, strong, covered in tattoos and veins, the rings wrapping around his fingers like they knew who was wearing them.

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