Chapter 55 - Friendly introductions

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(2 more chapters before I run out of them...)


I don't know how long I've been out... The pain in my incision is back to normal, but I feel sore all over, and I have yet to open my eyes to see the damage done to my body.

"Puta merda, (Holy crap/*bitch shit- the exact translation of those two words-)" I grumbled incoherently and lifted a hand to my bruised face. "Parece que um cabrão de um camião me atropelou. (Looks/feels like a motherfucking truck hit me.)" I complained a bit more under my breath and heard murmuring around me.

"Shhh! Si sta svegliando. (Shhh! She's waking up.)"

What the hell..?

I crack my eyes open a tiny little bit, and there are men everywhere.

I know some girls and women dream of this, but believe me, not only does it stink, but it's creepy as hell.

"I did not die for everyone to be staring at me like a miracle just happened," I grumbled crankily, and yawned loudly, sitting up to stretch at the same time, only to accidentally punch my father.

"Why are you glued to me?" I grouched, and he rubbed at his cheek with a stupid smile on his face.

"Just because..." He answered and kissed my cheek. He hugged me and sighed with relief making me wonder if I'd been out cold for too long.

"How are you feeling, girl?" Uncle Jym approached to ask and rubbed my hair with a smile, his boyfriend, Claude, right beside him.

"Sore, though I've been worse," I mumbled the last part and wrapped my arms around my father, setting my icy hands on the back of his neck with a smirk on my face.

Dad jumped with a curse and let go of me, wiping at his neck and hissing gibberish, meanwhile, I and everyone else who saw what I did laughed our asses off.

"Cattivo sangue! Sembrano lucertole, gelano sempre a meno che non siano al sole! (Bad blood! They look like lizards, always freezing unless they're in the sun!)" Dad complained and rubbed his hands together to warm them up and press them on his neck.

"Sangue ruim! Parecem lagartos, sempre geladas a não ser que estejam ao sol!" I mimicked him in Portuguese and smiled at his glare. "Drama queen!"

My uncles and cousins laughed. My grandparents chose that second to enter the room, and my aunts came in behind them, one carrying hot tea and saltine crackers while the other had a first aid box.

In turns, starting with my brothers, whose hugs lasted longer, everyone came to hug me.

"You did great," Vin whispered in my ear while he hugged me. "But if you ever scare us like that again, I will be the one shooting you," Diesel mumbled from my other side when I turned to hug him.

"As you say, but remember that I'll return the favor," I mumbled back and patted his cheek with a nasty glint in my eyes. My brothers rolled their eyes but smiled at me before allowing someone else to hug me.

When the hugs and the stupid kissy-kissies were done, my dad came back to sit beside me. Aunt Stella put the tray with the saltine crackers and the tea over my legs, and aunt Jully made me look at her while she examined my face, the first aid kit right by her side.

"Ok, kids, while your aunt Jully examines Sage, line up in front of your cousin's bed and introduce yourselves," Nonno ordered and the three guys from my generation came first.

They lined up in front of my bed and looked at one another awkwardly, waiting for someone to make the first move. When he saw none of the other two were stepping forward, the oldest one did. He cleared his throat about to introduce himself but his mother must have thought he was taking too long because she slapped him on his back hard enough for him to stumble forward and take the other two with him, each trying to keep their balance but failing. Antoni had to grab the end of my bed to stay upright, causing a chain reaction because the middle one held onto him and the oldest onto the middle one, and they all stayed standing in awkward positions.

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