Chapter 23: Christmas Eve Night

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Everyone is at the cabins now. The boys never asked us about the surprise that Sam had for Nirvana, which I am grateful for. They all just forgot about it I guess.

Abigail still hasn't told Blake. She says she is gonna but she just don't know when. I know she is nervous but the quicker she does it the better she will be.

I walked outside and down to the pond. Abigail was sitting on the dock just staring off in the sunset. "Hey, what are you doing out here by yourself. It's Christmas Eve. You should be in the house with all of us." I wrapped my blanket around her arms. "I just needed to get away and think. I mean, I will be five weeks tomorrow! I still am worried. I just don't want to tell him or anyone right now." I rubbed small circles around her back. "Abbi, you need to tell him. If you want to wait till after we get back then that's fine but he needs to know." She nodded. "And for mom and dad. They might definitely get mad, but there is nothing you can do about it. You have to tell them." She turned to me. "You will be beside me when I tell them right?" She looked concerned. "Of course I will." She just nodded and laid her head on my shoulder.

After about twenty minutes, we went back in the cabin. Everyone was just sitting around talking, minding their own business. "So since we are all back in one room. Can we open one of our presents?" We busted out laughing. "You could never wait. And yes, you can open one of your presents but the others are for tomorrow." Nirvana replied to Sam. Everyone got up from their seats, getting their gifts. "Annaleigh this one doesn't have a name on it. Do you want it?" Asked Blake. I turned to look at Hunter. "Don't look at me! I didn't do it. I promise." I went to get the gift from Blake. "Hunter, this one is just like hers. Your name but not whom from." Hunter got up to get the gift, giving me the stink eye as he walked by. "What?! I didn't do it either. I don't have a clue what's going on." I tell him as he sits beside me.

I looked around and we had everyone's eyes on us. "Um is this going to blow up in our face or something." Hunter asked. I was a little worried myself. "Just open it already!" Yelled Sam. My eyes grew wide. I turned to look at Hunter.

Here goes nothing. I began opening the box. Hunter also began opening his box. Not long after I started, I had the side open. I peaked in, only seeing paper. Curse whoever wrapped this. "Okay y'all can take it out now." Said Lucas. I reached in the box and pulled out a doe browning symbol. The whole thing was covered in pictures of Hunter and I from us as kids and now. I turned to look at what Hunter got. He got the same thing but the buck. "You know there is more, right?" Abigail said. Hunter and I both reached back into the box, pulling out a hoodie. On the back of my hoodie, it read...

The couple that hunts together stay together.

On Hunter it said...

Or they kill each other.... One of the two.

We both started laughing. Only our friends would get us something like this.

The rest of the night was amazing! We all had a great time. It was around one o'clock in the morning when we all finally went to bed.

I went and jumped in the shower. I don't know how long I stood in there. I just thought about everything that has been going on lately. Abigail's pregnancy, Hunter's accident, Nirvana graduating. I am sure there is going to be something else to happen before its over with.

I washed my hair and body, making sure I was clean. I then got out grabbing a clean towel. I decided to blow dry my hair tonight. Once I was done, I put my clothes on and got into my nice comfortable bed.

"So how was your day?" Hunter asked jumping on the bed beside me after changing. "Well if you must know mister, it was wonderful. I got to spend Christmas Eve with some of my favorite people. And plus, I got an awesome present from them!" He shifted some. "When will I get a day all to myself. I miss you. I wish we could go back to when I was hurt and you was taking care of me." I shot up. "I don't! You were hurt. Do you not remember that? You could have died. I was so scared... Have you-" Hunter cut me off. "Annaleigh, I do think about it but not like that. I want to go back to that because it was nice to see your face as the last thing I see at night and the first thing I see in the morning. If I could change it I would. I would be able to fix you breakfast in bed, clean the house, do what you wanted. You did everything for me and I appreciate that. My sisters were not always the best behaved, yet you put up with them everyday. Those days were incredible! I just wish I could have done more to help you." I was now looking in his eyes with tears in my eyes.

"Hunter stop. You are making my cry." We started laughing. "I wasn't trying to make you cry Baby. I'm sorry." He pulled me down to his chest. "Since we are going home in a few days, we can hang out next week. We can have a few days together. Sound good?" I asked. "Sounds perfect Beautiful." Hunter was stroking my hair as I fell asleep on his chest.

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