Chapter 19: Back to School

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I absolutely said yes. How couldn't I? He did all of that for me. The horses were actually his. We stayed longer than we should have.

We are now back in school. Its Thursday.So yeah, we stayed too long. I had an amazing time though. I wish I could stay forever.

I woke up the next morning really early to take a quick ride. I hopped on Lightning and took off. I didn't worry about tacking him this morning. I just need to get my mind off a few things before a crazy day. I rode around the fields for a few hours then decided it was time to head back. I groomed him real quick and made my way to my room.

I crashed on my bed. Checking my phone, there was a message from Hunter. 'Morning gorgeous! Can't wait to see you in class today.' I smiled. Replying to his message, I said, 'Morning mister! Can't wait either. Gonna jump in the shower she you in a bit.' I put my phone back down and went to my bathroom. I got undressed and jumped into the shower. I didn't stay in there too long cause I was wanting to relax for a bit. I got out and dried off. Wrapped the towel around me and laid in bed. I still have over a hour and half till Hunter comes to get me. I got time.

Hunter and I talked for awhile. I decided it might be a good idea to get ready, cause Hunter wanted to go get breakfast. I went with my white tank top that has a buck on it, skinny jeans with rips above the knees, my belt, antler bracelet and necklace, hoop earrings, and snow camo boots. I left my hair natural. I added a little mascara and that was it.

Hunter and I had breakfast at a local diner. The food was amazing. Plus, Hunter was a gentleman and paid for the full meal. It was very special.

We went ahead and headed to school since it was our first day back. Hunter and I got all classes together. I'm still a little worried about going back. I mean, school is almost halfway over. Well, for me. I always get out early.

"Ah, Miss. Blue and Mr. Evans. Nice to have you back with us. How are y'all doing? That most have been a scary experience." Mr. Bush welcomed us into his class. "Yes Sir. I couldn't have done it without this beautiful lady beside with every step. She was always there when I needed her and I couldn't thank her enough." Hunter wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead.

"Oh yes! I heard, she even took care of your younger siblings while your mother was away. You have incredible woman on your hands. Take excellent care of her young man. Now have a seat, we have some work to do." Hunter nodded and firmly shook Mr. Bush's hand. He then kissed my forehead again and lead me to our seats.

Homeroom was mostly us talking about upcoming events. Mr. Bush is also my Calculus teacher. He might not seem like the best teacher, but he has the best personality that you could ask for in a teacher. The rest of the teachers aren't the same.

"Nirvana Blue to the Principal's office. Nirvana Blue to the Principal's office." Hunter and I looked at each other. "Nothing could be wrong, right? She wouldn't be in trouble would she?" I asked. Nirvana never gets called down to the Principal's office. Even when she gets called to the office the call the teacher on the class phone.

Nirvana got up and walked out of class like nothing had happened. How can she be so calm like that? I would be so confused and worried.


Nirvana didn't come back to class till right before lunch. "Before y'all even begin to pester me, I will be telling everyone at dinner, tonight. So please go eat your lunch and don't bother me." She didn't even let me open my mouth. She turned around and walked to her table. "How about we go sit in outside today. I don't feel like being in here."

Turns out, my sister will be graduating after Christmas break, which is in 8 weeks. I am so happy for her! This means that she is a lot closer to opening her dance studio. She has been going to a night school to help out. I don't see how she does it. With regular school, night school, work, and dance. That's a lot to handle. She only has 8 more weeks left and then she can open up her dance studio. So that goes to show, all your hard work does pay off.

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