Chapter 29: Naming

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"Mom, what's going on?" I was starting to worry.

"Abigail and Blake were involved in a car accident. They don't know how Abbi is doing. Blake might have a few broken bones." She said so softly I almost didn't hear her.

"Oh my gosh!" I jumped up from the couch and went to put on my shoes. Hunter followed.

"Do you want me to come?" he asked.

"No stay here with the girls. Its really late and they need some sleep." It was late. It was eleven o'clock.

"Okay," he kissed my forehead. "Please be careful and let me know when you get there. Keep me updated too!"

"I will." I grabbed the keys and headed out the door. This is my twin sister we are talking about. I'm not gonna just sit around and wait, I'm going to see her.

I drove the hour drive to the hospital with 45. My parents left when they got the call so they were already here.

"Any news yet?" My heart was racing.

My parents looked at each other. "Have a seat." That made me panic. "They are taking Abbi into surgery. They need to get the babies out because they are in distress."

"Can I see her before she goes?" I was on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry baby girl. Not right now."

I got up and went outside. I needed air and I had to let Hunter know what was going on.
Nirvana asked him if she need to come. I told her nieces or nephews are about to be born so yeah. She is on her way now.

I am still really worried.

What happened to Blake? Where is he?

I walked back into the hospital and went up to the nurse's station. "I'm wondering about Blake Brown. He was with my sister in the car accident."

"Let me see. Oh yes here we go. Blake Brown, room 17."

"Thank you." I headed that way.

"Sir you have to sit down. You're gonna make it worse."

"How can I sit down when my girlfriend is in surgery right now having our babies and I don't know how they are doing! This is all my fault! Gosh I'm such an idiot!"

I walked into the room. The doctor was by the bed and Blake was pacing back and forth.

"Um excuse me but you're not supposed to be in here Mam." The doctor began walking closer to me.

"No no no. She can stay." Blake put his arm at stopping the doctor. "How is she? How are the babies?" He sat down on the bed.

"I don't know anything. When I got here Mom and Dad told me she was going into surgery and after that I looked for you." Blake looked down. "What happened out there?" Blake looked at the doctor. "Can you give us a moment?"

"Sure thing but make sure he doesn't get up on the leg." I nodded as he walked out.

Blake took a deep breath. "We went to get ice cream and we decided to just take a little drive. We were heading down this little country road cause I had a surprise for her. That's when everything hit the fan. Some crazy drunk driver was flying on our side of the road. I couldn't do anything, they were coming right at us. So I moved to the other lane. Worst mistake of my life. He hit Abigail's side mostly." Tears were falling down his cheeks.

"What was the surprise?" I asked.

"Can you hand me my coat?" I handed it to him. Blake pulled out a small diamond ring. "I had it all planned out. It was gonna be gorgeous, like her. I know the ring is small but that's all I could afford with the babies coming soon. Now the babies are coming today. A lot sooner than I thought."

I stood there shocked. He was gonna ask her to marry him and some stupid idiot took all that away.

"Mr. Brown we have an update on your girlfriend." The nurse came in.

"What?!" Both Blake and I said at the same time.

The nurse looked back and forth from us. "You have a beautiful daughter and a handsome son." Blake started crying. "Abigail is in recover now."

"May I see them?" Blake asked.

"Yes sir. Let me just get you a wheelchair."

We headed up to Abbi's room. And let me just say it felt so strange walking into that room seeing my sister not pregnant anymore.

"Hi beautiful." Blake rolled up to her. She was still pretty drowsy.

"How's the babies?" She asked.

"They are healthy. I'm sure they will be in here in a little bit." Blake tried to comfort her.

"How about I go up to the NICU and find out for y'all." I told them.

"Will you? Thank you Annaleigh!"

I made my way up to the NICU and found where the babies were at. They were still pretty tiny.

"May I help you?" A nurse came up to me.

"Um yes, I was wonder how these babies are doing?"

"They are actually doing really well for twins being born prematurely."

"That's good. Do you think they could go see my sister?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm sure we can do that."

I went ahead and took pictures just in case. They are so adorable!

"Okay I asked the doctor and he said that it's fine." The nurse said.

"Okay." We put them in a basinet together and headed back to Abigail room.

As soon as we walked in she started crying. Abbi quickly tried to raise up. "No no no. You don't need to sit up. You could hurt yourself."

"I don't care. Those are my babies and I'm gonna hold them." Abigail snapped back. The nurse handed the little girl over to her. "Oh my. Look at her Blake. She's beautiful!"

The nurse handed Blake the boy. He had tears in his eyes.

"We will need you to fill out their birth certificates for us." She place two pieces of papers down. "And there are some medical forms we also need you to sign too." She laid the down.

"Yes mam." Blake replied. Abigail was too mesmerized by her little one.

After about an hour and a feeding, they finally looked at the papers. My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was Hunter. "I'll be right back." They nodded their heads.

"Hello." I answered

"Hey, how's everything going?" He asked.

"The babies are doing amazing. They are in the room with Abigail and Blake now. It's a boy and a girl! Abbi has a broken leg, fractured right wrist and a minor concussion. Blake's right knee is swollen and bruised. They did X-rays but it didn't show anything so they are waiting to do and MRI."

"Aw have they figured out names yet? And that terrible!"

"No, they were looking over all the papers when you called so they might have decided by now." I looked down the hallway and saw my parents and sister coming. "Hey, I'm gonna get off of here and go back in there. Try and get some sleep. Goodnight I love you."

"Okay, I'll try. Goodnight baby I love you too!"

I hung up the phone and waited for my family to get closer. "How is she?" Asked my mom.

"She is doing okay. She was more worried about the babies then herself."

My mom nodded her head. "That's what happens when you become a mother." We walked into the room. Abigail looked up from the baby boy.

"Well, we have names." All our attention went to her. "Everyone I would like you to meet Colton Levi Brown."

"And Sadie Grace Brown" Blake finished.

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