Chapter 8: Packing For The Rodeo

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Well, it been a few weeks since the party. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off, so I haven't really talked to them. The rodeo is tomorrow and this is the one that tells us who gets to go to the circuits of our choice. We have to be signed in by 8pm tonight or we will be disqualified. So, I have been gathering everything I need. I do barrels, break-away, and Abigail and I both do trick riding. So, with all those things means I have a lot of stuff, plus I have three horses with their individual tack.

"Hey mom, where did you put my show outfit." My mom normally put both Abigail's and my uniforms in the hallway closet. The thing is, when I went to get them they both were not there. "I think Abigail or your dad already put them in the camper." "Thanks mom. I'll go and ask one of them," I replied back to my mother.

I ran down the stairs to find my dad talking to some woman. All I could see was her face and shoulders. She stood behind the back end of I'm guessing, her truck. The woman looked so familiar, but I could not place where I knew her from. "Well, thanks for all your help. I'm sure they all will do great. I just really wish I could be there," The woman looked down back up to my father. "Well, maybe next time." The woman looked my father and her face lit up. "I'm sure hope I can. It's just with all this moving, it's hard. I spend most of my time going to work, when I need to be at the house packing all our stuff up. Its just upsets me that as soon as I get us all moved up here, I have to start working again." She looked really upset as she got back in her truck. "You have a safe trip and make sure my boy behaves. Also, remind him that I will be dropping off the girls next weekend please." I could see the hurt in her eyes as my father replied. "I will and don't worry. He is a great kid. I'm sure they will do great." The women sent a small small and waved.

My dad turned and then realizes, she wasn't waving at him. She was waving at me.

"Oh hey Honey. What do you need?" I ignored his question and asked my own. "Who was that?" He gave me a small smile, "That was our new neighbors. Ms. Evans." Wait, did he say Evans? Please tell me, he didn't mean Ms. Evans as in Hunter Ray Evans mom. "Your friends mom. What was his name again? Oh yeah Hunter."

Yep, I'm a goner.

"Anyways, do you know if my uniform is in the camper already?" He turns back to look at me. "I'm sorry Honey, I don't think it is. Have you asked you sister?" I don't even answer back as I walk to the camper.

I found my sister in the back. "Hey. Did you bring both our uniforms when you came in here." I asked nicely, hoping she did. I was soon disappointed, "No I didn't. When I got mine, your's was already gone. I thought you got it." "No I didn't." Her face lit up, "Go to Nicole's house, I think you left it there." I thank her as I leave the camper.

I head toward my truck and send Nicole a text. "Hey, I am on my way to your house. I left something over there." I sent her the message and turned my phone off.

I am there in just a few minutes. I jump down from my truck head to the front door. I walk right in without a single knock.

I head upstairs to Nicole's room. Opening the door I close my eyes. "I hope I'm not intruding. I have to get something and I will be gone." I don't hear a reply, so I open my eyes and start looking. I look around and don't see anything. No Nicole, no uniform, and no Luke. 'Hmm, I hope she didn't die' I think to myself.

I walk out of her room and head toward the guest room. When I leave things here , they end up in there. I walk in and hear the shower running. I don't pay an attention to it as I search.

"Looking for something beautiful." Oh great, I forgot he was still here. "Oh you know making sure your no murderer." I reply with a smirk.

'I'm hurt Baby Girl." He places his hand over his heart, mocking being hurt. It then I notice he is shirtless. Again. Wait, what is up with all these nicknames? Oh well, I have no time.

"Do you know where my uniform is?" I ask him as sweetly as I can. "Um, what uniform?" " Oh you're no help. Where is Nicole?"

"Oh well, Nicole isn't here at the moment. Luke took her out to eat before we leave." Let my frustration out by throwing a shirt at him. He catches it at ease. "Just tell her to bring my uniform when y'all leave."

"Will do Baby Girl." I turn away, about to step in the hallway when he adds. "Where do you think you are going?" "Um, home. Where less would I go. I still have to pack."

He looks down to the ground and back up to me. "Oh okay. Well, have a safe trip back and see ya when we leave." "Yes sir I will. And see ya there too Mister." He give me a small smile and puts his shirt on.

I'm in my truck heading home when it hits me. "First he gives me all these nicknames, then he gets all sad when I leave. Okay, something is seriously wrong with that child." I say out loud. Yeah I know, I'm weird.

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