Gringotts Statement.

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Narrators POV.

June and Harry were escorted by the goblin to his private office as Harry got nervous, feeling he got them in trouble by being there. June assured him it wasn't his fault.

"Don't worry Harry darling, I'm sure it's nothing to do with you".

"It really is, come in and sit down Miss Winters and Mr. Potter".

June and Harry were escorted into the office. The office walls is made out of marble walls and the floor has a red carpet. In the walls is a fireplace with a mantelpiece over the fireplace showcasing a sword. The fireplace has a design of a dragons mouth and eyes as infront of the fireplace is two couches and a table.

Away from the fireplace that when you open the door, the first thing you see is a dark oak desk full of papers and two, red arm chairs in front of the desk. June sat on the chair on the left while Harry sat on the chair on the right while the goblin sat behind the desk.

"Alright master goblin, what's the problem?".

"Just to be sure, I'm going to need samples of Harry's blood, eight to be precise".

Harry got nervous when he heard he needs to give his blood. He saw a dagger held by the goblin and an empty ink pot. June was there to assure him he's safe.

"It's alright Harry darling, they only need a little bit as blood in the Wizarding world is precious but can tell you everything. Besides, that dagger has been charmed to heal you after you give the needed amount of blood so you'll be fine".

Harry nodded, trusting June as he took the blade nervously and sliced a cut into his hand. Blood seeped out of his hand as it landed in the pot. When the amount of blood was fulfilled, the scar in Harry's hand began to heal as he gave back the pot to the goblin.

"Alright he gave you the needed amount of blood, is this an inheritance test master goblin?".

"Your correct Miss Winters, it is indeed an inheritance test. I know your not the one to lie to goblins as your very honest and reliable but do you know who Harry Potter is in the Wizarding world?".

June shook her head sideways as the black quill and a few peices of parchment appeared. It began writing Harry's inheritance on the parchment.

"Okay, I guess thats understandable because of your absence. Do you remember the second Wizarding war?".

"A little bit, the war started because of this guy that wanted to conquer the wizarding world but was stopped by someone".

June told them, she didn't remember much, only the key bit because she was over in America when the whole ordeal happened. Harry tilted his head when he heard that a war happened in the Wizarding world.

"Anyways, what does that have to do with Harry?".

"It's because he was the one who took down you know who, he is the boy who lived".

June looked at Harry and looked at the goblin with confusion and surprise.

"Huh, I didn't know that, have I been gone for that long?".

"Yes, you've spent about a decade away from the Wizarding world in Britain. I won't blame you if you didn't know".

The goblin told June as she nodded but frowned. That explains why Harry was being looked at by other witches or wizards in public. She thought they were just staring at something else close to Harry and some came up to Harry to thank him. That confused June to no end when people did that.

"Well did the Wizarding world know where Harry was place two years ago master goblin?".

"No Miss Winters, I'm sorry. The defeat of You Know Who was all over the Daily Prophet and Harry's story was written all over the place. Everyone was happy, us goblins don't care much about it as our job was still up. What's curious is where Harry has been this entire time. We sent him statements and appointments to him to met up with us but he never replies back".

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