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Narrators POV.

After the blood adoption ritual. June had became Harry's legal guardian and he looked a lot like June. He had her wavy brunette hair, her porcelain skin and her eyes. As much as he liked his mothers emerald eyes, he loved June's ocean blue eyes. However to Harry's disappointment, he didn't get June's ocean blue eyes. Instead he got abyss black colored eyes, June couldn't help but smile at Harry.

"Why don't I have blue eyes like you Junie?".

"It's a funny story Harry darling, you see, you don't get blue eyes till later on in life. It runs in my family since I'm a half blood and it came from my father's side. He didn't have blue eyes yet but when I was born, his blue eyes appeared. I didn't have blue eyes yet until later on, I'll assume you inherited my gene Harry darling".

Harry was curious, he was thinking on how to get blue eyes just like June. June noticed that and chuckled.

"How did you get blue eyes?".

"Well you'll understand one day Harry darling, I know you will, your as clever as me".

Harry was disappointed but shrug as he was now curious of June's bloodline. You see, he doesn't know much about her and he wanted to know everything about her. She treated him like as if he was her son and he wanted to call her mum. He felt that now that she blood adopted him, she wouldn't mind if he called her mum.

"Can I call you mum?".

June was surprised by Harry's question. She won't deny, she did care and loved Harry like as if she was her son. There were times she wanted to call him her son but she felt guilty for taking that title away from his deceased biological mother. Yet as she looked into Harry's eyes, she can't help it anymore, she wanted to be his mum.

"Yes Harry darling, you can call me mum".

Harry got excited and cheerful, he jumped up in the air and hugged her happily.

"Thank you mum, oh thank you thank you thank you!".

June smiled at Harrys cheer, hugging him back, she forgot that Bagnok was there.

"Ahem, if you come to my office Miss and Mr. Winters, we can talk about more things to discuss. It's regarding of Mr. Winters appointments and planning of what else to do".

"Uhm before we do that Master goblin, can mum do an inheritance test? I wanna know a bit about her".

June was surprised but smiled notheless, she wouldn't mind doing that for Harry. He deserved to know a few things about her.

"You can ask me about anything Harry, I'll answer any question you have for me".

June told her as they were both escorted back to Bagnoks office to talk about Harry.

When they made it back to Bagnoks office. June did an inheritance test for Harry and the black quill was writing on an empty parchment. While the black quill was writing, Harry and June were in the middle of talking with Bagnok.

"Mr. Winters. Since your the last scion of the house of Potter, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Le Fay and Pendragon legally by Wizarding law. You immediately become the lord over those houses. Among the lines, you are immediately emancipated of you choice to become a lord over those houses".

Harry was surprised but his surprise turned to confusion, he was reading his vaults page earlier and he noticed Merlins vault was not active.

"Excuse me Master goblin, what about Merlins vault? Why is it not active?".

Just as Harry asked the question, the black quill had stopped writing on the parchment about June's inheritance test. June grabbed the test and handed it to Harry.

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