Chapter Thirteen

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"I hate the way he looks at you."

I had been dreaming about those words all night. I didn't realize that Rindou and Daichi had that much animosity between them, but now I was caught in the middle. In the end, I would have to decide whether I wanted to keep Rindou around for personal reasons or keep my most valued friendship with Daichi. It was the last thing I wanted to think about.  

Now that Rune was hovering around my mind, nothing helped the situation. Who was he? His sexiness wasn't debatable, that was for sure. His presence was overwhelming, and his charm was undeniable. He had a magnetic personality that was hard to ignore and an aura that was impossible to deny. My world was already turned upside down, I didn't need him joining in on the volcanic eruption that was waiting to happen.

I wasn't going to lie, my body felt like absolute euphoria. I didn't think Rindou could put it down like that but boy, was I wrong. One thing I couldn't remember was falling asleep, all I could remember was him leaving the room and telling me he needed to clean up downstairs. Regardless, I was exhausted.

Turning on my side, I felt a cool breeze blowing through the air. A tired yawn escapes me as I snuggle my face into Rindou's pillow. The feeling of comfort was so strong that my eyelids instantly grew heavy again, and all I wanted was to drift away into another deep sleep. The cool air, combined with the soft bedding and the annoying yet comforting presence of Rindou and his arm around me felt too good to give up.

A shiver ran down my spine as Rindou's arm tightened around me, pulling me closer to him. I hummed softly, feeling him kiss me on the back of my shoulder. "I know you're awake, princess." He spoke in a tired, husky tone. God, his voice sounded so sexy early in the morning. I felt my cheeks flush and I slowly turned around to face him. My eyes slowly opened to meet his Amethyst ones. His gaze was so intense that I felt my breath hitch in my throat. His lips curved into a smirk, "good morning."

I rolled my eyes, dug my face into his chest, curled my legs, and sighed in exhaustion. "Aren't you working today?" Rindou threaded my hair through his fingers as he put his head on his hand. His touch was calming and his presence soothing; it felt like the best kind of comfort in a moment of fatigue. I was tired and the thought of going to work felt like a huge burden, but I knew I couldn't lay here all day.

"Not until 3:30," I murmured, yawning soon after. The fact that clinicals are no longer held on Sundays saved me from a lecture for the thousandth time.

Rindou chuckled deeply, "It's 3:00."

My eyes shot open, and I twisted around, "oh fuck!" I crashed to the ground face-first. I scrambled to my feet, my heart pounding. There was less than half an hour left until I had to get to work. That didn't include showering or explaining to Mom why I didn't call her last night. 

Behind me, Rindou was laughing hysterically, snorting. "It's not funny, get your ass up and take me home!" While I spat angrily at him, Rindou wiped a tear from his eye and held up his phone. 

"I'm just fuckin' with you, it's 11 am." The amused Rindou chuckled.

I tossed his sneaker at his head, "You are a total dick, do you know that?" I was angry about fifty percent at this point. Especially since I could've been sleeping right now. I stormed back over to his bed, taking refuge under Rindou's blanket. Pulling it close to my chest, I snuggled my face into it.  

"Do you want me to take you home?"

The sudden question made me feel like he no longer wanted me here. Slowly turning my head, I frowned a bit. " want me to leave?" I asked back to him.  

"What? No, I actually want you to stay for a little while longer." Rindou leaned down to me, and the heat from earlier came back. My cheeks burned as he gave me a cheeky smile, "Round 2 doesn't seem too bad."

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