Chapter Seventeen.

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At the kitchen table in my home, there were Takemichi, Daichi, and Chifuyu. They were attempting to persuade me not to attend the meeting that was arranged for tonight. I was unsure of their intention. I wondered why they were so adamant that I do not go to the meeting.

Additionally, a manager from another store had agreed to cover my shift so I could attend the meeting in question. I had a break because clinicals weren't held on the weekends anymore, so I had a decent amount of time on my hands today to deal with this.

"What's keeping me from going?" My brow furrowed in response to the query. Daichi shifted his gaze to Takemichi, then to Chifuyu; both were staring at Chifuyu, waiting for him to say something. I wasn't as dumb as they believed. I approached Daichi, took his phone, and stuffed it inside my shirt.

"Really?" Daichi deadpanned.

"If you guys don't tell me what's going on, I will do the same to you--"

"Rune wants you." Takemichi blurted out.

Chifuyu pounded his fist into Takemichi's arm. "Dude!"

"Ow! What the hell?! I'm not trying to have her boobs on my phone!" Takemichi argued.

"Look, he's smart." I smirked before looking down at Daichi, "You don't want me to go because Rune wants me to?" I asked, removing the phone from between my breasts and dropping it on the table.

"No, he wants—wants to have you." Daichi breathed deeply and cocked his head. "He's been after you for quite some time. I don't think he'll give up any time soon." Daichi added, shaking his head bitterly.

'Come find me when you want a real man'

Instead of me pursuing Rune, he is pursuing me, which irritates Daichi. I could only imagine what Rindou would say if he found out Rune was interested in me. For some reason, deep, deep, deep...I wanted to put my foot in the water. I was merely curious to witness Daichi and Rindou's reaction. He wasn't going to let me go to this meeting, but I was going anyway.

"I'll stay by you during the meeting," I looked down at Daichi. "You invited me so I'm going, besides, what can Rune do if you're there to protect me?"

Daichi's cheeks turned a blazing pink before he blew his lips and rose from his seat. He reached for my chin, grasping it with his thumb and index finger. "Fine, but if he says something out of line, you're going home." His tone was harsh, and it made my tummy flutter a little.

"Yes father," I sarcastically said, swatting his hand away from me. "Now all of you get out, I'm taking a nap---"

"Honey? I'm home!" 

I giggled merrily and leaped to my mother as she entered the house carrying bags. My smile became wider. "Mom!" My arms wrapped around her neck, causing her to stumble back.

"Hello, puddin!" Mom's familiar nickname for me and the warmth of her cheek against mine filled me with a feeling of love and comfort.

"I'll take these." I cast a sidelong glance at Daichi as he took the grocery bags from mom's grasp.

"Thank you, Dai, that's very kind of you." Mom smiled sweetly. She turned her attention to Chifuyu and Takemichi, "You didn't tell me you had more friends." Daichi snorted up a laugh at moms concerned question.

I laughed nervously, "Mami, this is Takemichi and Chifuyu, Daichi's friends." I introduced them to her.

Both guys bowed at the waist, "it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh my, they're very sweet, aren't they?" Mom gushed.

"Yeah, real sweet." I rolled my eyes. Mom was a sucker for gentlemen, she was always telling me that she wants me to find a guy who will buy me flowers and open doors. Little did she know that I had the complete opposite. I had found someone who was the exact opposite of a gentleman, and I was enjoying it. He was someone who didn't care about conventions and wasn't afraid of breaking the rules. He was wild and free, and I couldn't help but be drawn to him.

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