Chapter 7

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Y/N's pov:

I woke up by a gentle shake on my shoulder. Opening my eyes I found a pair of calming soft eyes looking down at me. I tried to smile to reply the sweet gesture of this morning person but could only scrunch my face at the painful soreness of the wounds which are still yet to heal. I soon registered who the person was jungkook oppa..?? And HE was looking at me softly and an emotion i couldn't explain. I said a small 'good morning' and getting same in return. After greeting and settling with little struggles on bed he said "come for breakfast, everyone is waiting for you" and i was a bit shocked but a lot happy by these kind gestures of members. Telling this jungkook oppa went out leaving me alone. I was finished doing my morning routine in fifteen minutes and went downstairs. They were all waiting and i was happy that today I wasn't considered as an outcast. We had our breakfast chatting and laughing but i couldn't understand something their eyes were expressing i couldn't really understand the emotion they were showing but i shrugged it off for now.

Now we were all sitting in the living room together and they were treating me like a child...!!? So suddenly? Why? But than something clicked inside my brain.....were they perhaps......pittying me?? So I decided to ask them instead of overthinking.

"Are you guys pittying me?" I asked in a normal tone but inside i was anxious of getting an answer as a yes. My fear and anxiousness came true when I heard jungkook oppa and jimin oppa saying "yes" at the same time.

It broke my heart. It made me feel pathetic. I never wanted anyone's pity, i didn't told them I was r-ra-raped because I wanted sympathy. The only thing I ever wanted was respect and care.......cuz I don't deserve love, i know I don't deserve it, a person like me doesn't deserve love.

"Don't" i said. They frowned and asked me "what?" This time I said while looking down at my lap "Don't pity me" they were silent so I decided to say it again but this time while looking in their eyes. My eyes were Stern and lips held a very little small smile "Don't pity me, i don't like it" a releived sigh was heared following "okay" it was obviously jungkook oppa but again a voice diverted my gaze towards them saying "haash, it's over, i couldn't bear behaving so good to her" it was hoseok oppa, i was hurt, deeply, very badly, cuz I was really getting my hopes up for the care they were giving me and for sure i was loving it but then I forgot I don't deserve anything related to love so I understood it was my fault. The room was silent again and as I looked around Jin eomma looked a little worried whereas the others were sitting with blank expressions. Than I decided to smile big and avoid the tension, i said "it's okay, I'm not hurt, so I guess I'll go write the apology letters to the higher ups." I stood up to go but stopped and turned around to say "And you guys don't have to worry about dressing the wounds, I'll take care of it. Thank you for taking care of me, i appreciate it, also thank jungkook oppa and jimin oppa too for me. Take care. I'll skip the dinner cuz have to sleep early." With this following i came inside my bedroom and did really write the 20 apology letters in total to all of them but the tears were betraying me. Why was I this much hurt? I knew right, That nothing is permanent and happy moments?? Huh, whom was i kidding. After my breakdown I saw outside it was dark as I looked at the clock it showed 08:09. The time went by so fast. I'll just sleep it off. Today was a little bit less hard. After freshing up i went to suffer in my dreams thinking about my world. My life. Thinking about her.

Next morning.

It was morning and i woke up earlier today. Yes because I had a nightmare. And it was about her getting away from me more like getting snatched away from me...i couldn't think my life without her. After calming myself and talking with her on the phone myself i was assured that she was safe. Remembering the nightmare tears escaped but i went and completed my morning routine for today.

In living room.

We were all seated after having breakfast in the living room to hear an announcement namjoon appa wanted to make.

A/N's pov:

"Today we are getting letters and gifts from our fans." Namjoon said "And also we can meet our family members today, cuz pdnim wanted the atmosphere for yn to be comfortable so he has taken this decision, and yn you have to submit the letters too right?, Then call your family members to meet you while we will go to recieve the gifts and letters as we will be getting recorded for bangtan tv so we have to get ready in our makeup room for some surprise events, they didn't mentioned them yet." Everyone was listening attentively and you were thinking if you should ask her to come or not, but you were missing her too much to miss this chance so you decided to do it and as for everyone they too were excited to meet their family.


I'm sorry guys, i updated after months. But I didn't had my phone with me as this one was getting fixed and the Medias were vanished somewhere so to recover the documents it took months.
Sorry again...
Will try to update more often.

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