Chapter 13

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Author's pov:

The room was quiet and a very eerie wind gushed through them with window being open as it was going to be nighttime soon. A shiver ran down y/n's spine as she looked towards her grandparents for the second time after meeting them today. Y/n flinched as she heard her grandmother talk "So you got a man already under your palms huh?" Y/n just shook her head still looking down. Her grandfather smirked and approached her making her move backwards but still not looking up.

Y/n's pov:

My body started trembling as now I was trapped between him and the wall as he gripped my chin making tears welled up in my eyes as I could assume his further actions. "Are you scared my lovely y/n?" He asked making eye contact with me that smirk not leaving his lips. I was forced to shake my head as no or else I would be beaten to pulp. A laugh echoed through my ears as he laughed at my pathetic answer. "Okay so where is our money for this month y/n? Are you gonna give it yourself or your grandfather has to take it? Choice is yours ofcourse." She said shamelessly as a lone tear escaped right after her words from my eyes. "Oh my love!! why are you crying dear, you have me" he said as he came closer to my face "Tell me what is bothering you, want me to help you forget it?" He said disgustingly making me tremble in fear. "I-i-'ll g-ive th-e m-m-one-y to yo-u" I said in a small voice and went towards my nightstand and removed an envelope from the drawer and giving it to them with my trembling hands. She snatched the envelope and tore it roughly counting the money. "This is it?" She questioned a little loudly making my trembling go worse. "Yes" I whispered "Why?" She asked strictly "i di-dn't got p-p-pay-ed y-yet, t-the-se a-are my s-sav-vin-ngs" I said as loudly as I could which was not much different than a whisper. "What? That means you have saved this much money and haven't even given this to us? So basically you were stealing some money out of your salary.....hah!!" She said raising her voice slightly and laughing mockingly and bitterly at the end making me back away in fear as I knew something was coming. "Yeobo" she said making my eyes widen as I looked at her shocked and in fear my lips wobbled as a begging "n-no p-pl-plea-se." Left my mouth and I joined my hands trying to show my deep feelings. "And why would we listen to you?" My grandfather questioned "i-i-'ll give you m-more n-nex-t month p-ple-please not h-here, they d-dont kn-ow an-nythi-ng ye-t" I went on my knees while begging but their eyes glinted more like sparkled saying "oh this looks fun. Yeobo go on she is surrendering to you aren't you turned on?" She asked him making more tears roll down from my widened eyes as I backed away but soon he was already grabbing my hairs and making me stand up.

He threw me on the bed hovering over me making me close my eyes. He kissed them making me let out a whimper of disgust "woah, woah,!! Now you are making noise too huh!! Shut your trap like you are taught to do you fucking slut" she gritted her teeths towards me making me shut my mouth immediately not letting out any noise come through, but my body froze and trembled fiercely after I felt lips moving over my lips as his disgusting saliva covered my lips and hands roaming around my body making me want to let out a cry but the fear in me made me let my mouth shut and endure. His tongue rubbed my bottom lip roughly i knew what he wanted but I didn't want to give in like before, it was super disgusting but his tight grip on my jaw made my lips to form a pout but still I clamped them which fired their anger *SLAP* my left cheek burnt forming a red handprint on it he held my jaw once again making me look at him as this time I didn't protest and let him do anything he wanted. That slap I'm sure was heard outside. Tears escaped continuously from my eyes as I controlled my sobs trying not to make any sound. I found it hard to breathe after a second but thankfully his lips detached from my lips making me take soft breathes not gasping so I don't make them angry. The reason he stopped kissing was the knock that followed a concerning voice of hoseok oppa"Y/n are you alright?" Making me silently cry more. My grandmother glared and mouthed me to reply as okay. I clenched my eyes and fists as lying to them felt bad and wrong "Yes oppa, I'm alright, don't worry" I said softly hoping they don't find out I'm crying but partially hoped that they did and just barged in to embrace me help me escape this hell but back to reality I didn't deserve that heaven. "You sure? We heard some weird noise coming from here. If you want we'll come in right now" i cried more after hearing his concerned voice but too scared to call them in because grandfather was now kneeding my boob whispering me to tell them nothing's going on I cried and said "I'm fine, just bumped into bed......nothing's going on" I tried giving them hint or not that noticeable one but grandmother's glare and grandfather's grip made me realise that they took the hint clearly making me freeze on my spot "okay, but if anything just call us. Come quickly dinner is served" said hoseok oppa and left making me sigh in relief but also in  disappointment. Sharp pain ran through my right boob as the deadly grip of his fingers were shooting pain inside out, not much after he grabbed my throat choking me making tears run down my eyes. "Trying to act smart, aren't you?" He said pinching my nipple making me shut my eyes close due to the pain. "This little bitch has grown some courage hasn't she?" Grandmother said to grandfather making him choke me more tightly my face becoming red and breath being short. "Plea-se I'm s-so-rry" "tch tch tch are you sorry, were you when you gave hint to them" never ending tears escaped my eyes *knock* *knock* *knock* "Y/n come now, let's eat dinner you haven't eaten much from morning. Come fast or I'll come inside instead" said jungkook oppa rather stiffly than i remembered his voice I think they noticed it too. I breathed heavily as grandfather's hold left my throat allowing me to breath finally. "You're lucky this time darling, but remember you won't be the next time we meet" my grandmother said darkly and telling me to wash my face and put on some makeup on the bruises.

I entered bathroom and locked the door turning I looked in the mirror a lone tear escaped my eyes again looking at the mess I was, I felt pathetic, I hated myself for being like this, for living like this, for being me. I sighed and washed my face as tear stains were now gone. I applied concealer on my cheeks and throat to hide the red fingerprint bruise. Also lifting my dress to reveal a purple bruise around my nipple applying ointment on it I went outside after making my hair. She held my forearm saying "I want fucking more money by the end of this month or else he will enjoy his time on the couch in front of them letting them know who you really are, understood?" "You were stiff today, be more relaxed next time y/n" grandfather said in my ear coming close licking it afterwards making me shudder "come with us" she said i followed them out. I wish these things would end, will it? It will, right?

Word count: 1390 words

Hope you liked this chapter.
I know it's short but I tried my best to be faster that's why it's short will try to make the next chapter longer, promise.
Sorry for late updates will try to update faster and longer.
Thank you for reading......

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