Chapter 10

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Author's pov:

"EOMMA" the word echoed through the crowd in the staff room where all the members and staff were present and waiting for their families to meet. Everyone's attention turned to the voice of a 5 year old girl in hold of a woman in her early twenties. The little girl left the hold on her hand and ran towards a specific person everyone's eyes followed her and went wide when she stopped in front of seokjin but were soon was exchanged with confusion when they heared "Hello ahjushi, tan you pleashe move ashide you are towering my shmall eomma"

Y/n's pov:

"EOMMA" when I heard it, i was overwhelmed with the amount and types of emotions i was feeling at that time with that single word. It took me to that phase of my life when I first heard it from her mouth. I missed it too much to not cry at this moment. But when I registered the surrounding worry shoot through me and I was wide eyed at the word until she talked again but not to me, to jin eomma saying "Hello ahjushi, tan you pleashe move ashide you are towering my shmall eomma" I was not shocked at the way she was so polite but the way she called me small not even considering her little body. A chuckle left my mouth at her words towards Jin eomma and my smile widened more making me close my eyes when I got a view of her little body. I immediately crouched down and hugged her tightly whereas she did the same but more tightly hugging my neck. "Eomma~~" "hmm.....chae ha ya~" we didn't share much then just closing our eyes and feeling each other's warmth which we missed from so many days. After good five minutes we backed-up from the hug  when a childish whine was heard "hey you two, you both forgot about me this quickly.....just come to me next time both of you....I'm gonna smack both of yours asses until it's blazing both are the biggest meanies....anyways I'm gonna go 'meanies'" Sarang unnie said with double quoting her forefingers in the air and walking away which made us both to grab her and tackle her down in the hug too "I missed you two too much....thank you for coming here..I love you" I said control my tears. "We missed you too y/nah" Sarang unnie said followed by chae ha's childish blabbering "yesh eomma we mished you thoo and I mished you the mosht....I love you thoo eomma" "yes yes you missed me the most my lovely daughter" I said while squeeshing her cheecks and smiled which she returned with her clear straight teeth and the cutest eye smile ever. We stood not knowing that the attention of the whole room was on us and their eyes were about to come out of their sockets because of our little angels big words. Soon chae ha sprinted towards the members and took something out from her side bag and actioned towards them to crouch down everyone followed her order and crouched down in front of her. She took jimin oppa's hands and handed him some chocolates?? That's what she was carrying? I giggled seeing it. She said with a bright smile "Thank you for shaving my eomma" and my eyes collected some tears in them as her carrying gesture melted my heart and a warm smile decorated my lips again. Jimin oppa smiled at him too but frowned at the last...why?.....than it registered and my eyes went wide....EOMMA..she is calling me eomma infront of everyone. It's alright it's alright you can handle this y/n you can. I comforted myself and controlled from having any panic attacks in front of everyone. I maintained my smile and acted like it's normal which is normal but just for me. The next she reached taehyung oppa and said the same thing while giving him chocolates too. I asked Sarang unnie "what happened, why is she thanking them for saving me what does she mean?" she replied saying "she saw what happened earlier on internet, when we were arriving here...a passenger was using phone and she was overjoyed to see you on the screen but when she registered what happened it made her worried, i said you are safe but then the other clip popped up where they were helping yeah, that's what happened" "ohh" that was the only thing that I could mutter. She saw me in that condition, when I didn't want her to. Now she was in front of yoongi-ssi after giving seokjin eomma, namjoon appa and hoseok oppa their chocolates. The next thing she did made mine and yoongi-ssi's our both of us eyes to grow maximum wide, chae ha KISSED yoongi-ssi. What was this girl upto why did she kissed him. Other members were laughing when yoongi-ssi was being flustered with his light pink shaded cheecks, that made a small smile to appear on my lips. He looked cute. And I giggled with them too when chae ha said "Thank you for tarrying my eomma when she wash hurt, thank you sho much. Pleashe keep taking tare of her. Thank you again." While giving him a bar of Cadbury And then she came near me and stood facing them suddenly changing her facial expressions to cold and telling them more like trying to threaten them "But don't dare any of you to shcare my eomma, I will take thoshe thotolatesh and will eat them and will never let you buy them. Undershtood." She ended it with a strong angry frown. "Yes ma'am." The seven of them answered at once and giggling afterwards with chae ha and everyone following them too.

Time flew by and no one noticed. Other member's family members came too and they were all nice and polite with everyone. Everyone had their parents and siblings surrounding them laughing and talking all their worries which kind of made me I shouldn't be sad, I'm happy..I have chae ha..I'm not lonely...i don't miss anyone...I'm happy with the people I have right now. I tried to console myself, I tried to lie to myself but somewhere in the corner of my heart I knew I craved those lovely gazes and soft gestures of parents and siblings those warmth they sent each other I craved that. I came out of my thoughts by two arms engulfing me in a tight breathtaking hug, obviously it was unnie. who else, she is the only person who can read through me, i guess she got to know by my stare that I was craving a hug. I controlled myself from shedding any tears and backed away from hug mumbling a small "thank you unnie and i love you" "I love you too phabo" we laughed and continued to spend our time together watching chae ha exploring the chocolates we were sponsored.

The questionable and confusing stares and glances of members didn't got unnoticed by me. I knew I had to explain it to them. How I am the eomma of chae ha. It's gonna be hard to handle their questions. Hope it's not that difficult.


Words count: 1227

Hope you liked this chapter.
Sorry for late updates will try to update faster and longer.
Thank you for reading......

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