Chapter 14

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Author's pov:

Everyone was waiting in the living room staring at the door waiting for it to get opened. After hobi and jungkook interrupted their conversations two times, five minutes have passed and they were ready to break the door. Just when they were getting up to proceed the thoughts they had, the door opened and three of them came out naturaly and with the smile on their faces. Even y/n smiled but it didn't even reached her cheeks it felt like her lips were stitched at a certain length and were supposed to be like that. Her grandparents were smiling brightly with there teeths on display and a very vicious expression. "Thank you everyone for being patient with us" the grandmother said breaking the silent. "We will get going even though I- We don't want to, we would like to spend our whole life being stuck with y/n but it's okay she is a grown up women now." Grandfather said staring at y/n, eyes not leaving for a second. All the boys noticed the creepy look in his eyes so they proceeded further in removing these pests from their perfect clean home. "We were grateful to have you here, if you two are done with the conversation please get going because guests are not allowed in here." Yoongi said in a cold voice without a spec of smile lingering over his lips which made the couple scowl in anger. Just then Namjoon took the initiative to talk "He just wanted to say that our manager will be coming soon and we aren't allowed to have visitors at night time and it is getting dark outside it won't be safe for you guys to travel late at night." He said with a small smile, so small if not noticed it wouldn't even look like one. "Sure, we are going, but we will come next month to look for our granddaughter. You might not know but she is our favourite person after her sister. Isn't it y/n?" Grandmother said with a smirk making y/n's eyes grow wide.


Seven of them asked confused but decided to keep their questions for later.

"It's getting late darling, let's go. She can take care of herself." Grandmother said and started walking towards the front door leaving seven boys with confused questioning faces and a full blank faced girl behind. When the couple reached the door they made strange eye contact as if telling each other something through their eyes.


A loud voice boomed through the house making everyone flinch and run to the front door with their now wide eyes as if questioning about the loud voice from their eyes. "What happened? Is someone hurt? What was that loud sound about?" "Nothing just wanted to bid my granddaughter my last goodbye." Grandmother said with a smile that looked more like that ghost nun's smile.

Y/n's pov:

My eyes widened as my grandmother hugged me "Don't tell them anything about us or else you know what will happen. I still have his number saved in my phone and he is very desperately looking for you." She whispered making all the hair on my body stand from the fear of the consequences. "Okay, now I'm finally leaving I can't hold my tears anymore." She said wiping the tears that were never there in the first place.

Another hug but a lot different and a lot unsafe a lot dirty perverted hug from my grandfather. His one hand touched my lower back caressing it and another one holding me very tight from back making my chest collide and rub with his making me swallow my tears.

" Next time we are not meeting here. I can't have proper time with you here. It will be our house where no one disturbs us, you remember our sweet home right sweetie?" He whispered so huskily it sent shivers down my spine. " I'll love to have you all by myself. I love you y/n" he then kissed my ear and cheek and forehead with his hands on my waist caressing it lightly.

His touches disgusts me. I can't do this anymore I'll say everything to them and it will end here today he can't harass me anymore not when they are here to support me.

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