the ending part 1 .

47 3 2

(6 months after the Dixon group left the prison.)

Daryl pov

Lita woke me up clutching her stomach.

" Is it the baby" I asked still half asleep

"I think so " "ow" she said holding her stomach

We kept in touch with the prison in case of emergency and we needed hershal. I grabbed the radio and raised hershal.

"How far apart are the contraction" he asked

"5 minutes" she said breathing heavy

That means u have a few hours to either get her here or I can talk u thru it . Lita shook her head and grabbed the radio" were comin to u" she said and she got up .

When she tried to get dressed she fell over so in pain so I tried best to help her. When she stood a gush came from between her legs. We were both stunned and she had another contraction . That broke me from my trance . She was trying to take her pants off but couldn't without bending over.

"Baby how can I help" I asked trying to sound calm rubbing her back.

"Iv got dresses in the closet. I don't wanna put pants back on. "

I ran to our closet and helped her into a dress. We walked out of our room and Da' was cooking breakfast. I carried Lita into the living room and he asked " the baby" ? Lita responded "water broke were going to hershals. "

Da' immediately turned off the mini cooker we had installed and helped me get Lita to the truck. Merle emerged from the woods. " What's wrong baby brotha"?

I hoped in the driver's seat and Hollered "BABYS COMIN Goin To FIND HERSHAL. "

merle jumped into the truck and we all sped down to the prison. It was only 5 miles but it seemed like a. Eternity.

Once we got there we were immediately helped in by Maggie and glenn . Chips lifted Lita out of the truck and I grabbed her from him. I carried her into hershals cell and after another 8 hours I officially became a daddy.

Axle mark Dixon was born at 12 30 pm

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Axle mark Dixon was born at 12 30 pm

5lds o oz

18 inches long.

Our little boy was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. After the birth we went back home to the cabin. Merle and da' were allowed to stay at the prison to give us some time alone with lil man .

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