Chapter 1(Pleasuring a Kitty)

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(Y/N) Pov

Yesterday went pretty well for me, at first I didn't know how to pass the time for heat season and now the first day is over with me losing my virginity to Ruby and no doubt I got her pregnant with my kids, I thought I would lose it to Blake considering she was my childhood friend or Velvet for being one of the first friend I made since I go here so over all it started off well. Now all I have to do is focus on surviving and controlling for the rest of the season, that was until-


(Y/N):(confuse as fuck)*put hands up in confusion*What???????

So back to what's happening, right now I'm in Prof. Goodwitch's class and she was scolding me. If this was any other day before or after the heat season I would be scared of my life, well not during heat season with her wearing a noseplug and I'm just gonna say this, it's hard to take her seriously with that noseplug on her face and I mean it's hard to take her serious. To me it's just funny to see her being serious with something on your face like I mean come on how can you try not to laugh with a noseplug or any other things on your face while being serious to someone like me like that time with the ice cream cone on your head I once did to Yang which was one of the worst day of my life, going out of topic so back to Prof. Hotwitch I mean Goodwitch she had me in front of her desk and I just acted neutral like every other teacher that talk or called me up.

(Y/N):(still confuse as fuck)What exactly did I do???

Goodwitch: Do I really need to tell you, did you really thought I didn't notice you were in the training room with Ms Rose

(Y/N):How did you even know that?

Goodwitch:Once I left the room I checked my scroll for any updates and looking through the security cameras that were in the halls, cafeteria, classrooms and outside the school for any signs of you and-

(Y/N):(unsure)Does that also include dorm rooms and showers?

Goodwitch:What oh of course not we don't have cameras in those places at all

(Y/N):Oh thank Oum

Goodwitch:I had the same reaction when I heard that I mean we're a Academy we aren't those bad or private Academy who spies on almost everyone 24/7, plus the only time we would put cameras in showers and dorm rooms is when we have a headmistress and if you are going to ask me yes I made sure they aren't any hidden cameras in those rooms

(Y/N):Ok good I just wanted to get that out of my chest

Goodwitch:Understandable now back to the topic when I checked the cameras for any sign of you I heard noises from the training room and once I went back in I heard everything that happen in there so in other words I know you had sex with Ms Rose

(Y/N): I'm just going to be honest with you we both thought you left, we didn't know you were literally standing at the entrance of the room

Goodwitch:Now because of what you did with Ms Rose your pheromones will ether stay on her or it will spread until the season is over!

(Y/N):(confuse again)Ummm what?
Goodwitch:Did you not hear what Prof. Ozpin said

(Y/N): No the preheat was getting to me so I space out

Goodwitch:(annoyed sigh)What he told you was that since you are the only male Faunus here you will give out an invisible gas off from you which cause some side affects with all the males fearing you and all the females including both human and Faunus will become attracted to you

(Y/N):So in other words I'm a pussy magnet

Goodwitch:You could say that, the pheromones will only be release whenever you are near a female but because Ms Rose had mated with you the pheromones will stayed with her until the season is over so in other words she will be coming back to you like how you kids say these days 'another round' or possibly something else will happen. I will figure that out later so since you mated with her she could had spread the invisible which would spread across the girls making every female go after you right now but it didn't since you mark her as your mate

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