Chapter 2(Melting the Schnee)

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(Y/N) Pov

A new day means a new start, that's what a normal person would say except for me. After mating with Blake in her dorm room and going for a couple more rounds in mine we promise to keep this quiet or else Prof. Goodwitch would kill me, that was not the only issue but we had classes today and that SUCKS. At least there was a bright side to that, classes don't start around 9:00, it starts at 11:00 and ends at the usual time. You can already guess why especially Ozpin who wouldn't come out of his office, so after a little more morning sex we took a shower and let's say she did what Ruby did and I ended up giving her my underwear to wear after ripping her panties and keeping them in my room. Got to get them back later, anyway we made our way to the cafeteria and Blake was clingy to me very tightly with her bust push against my arm, she was wearing the noseplug but it wasn't fully on her so she was smelling the pheromones off from me

(Y/N):(smile) You're more clingy than last night

Blake:(smile)I have the one I love with me, he mated with me and best of all I'm carrying his babies in me~

(Y/N):I always forget that whenever I mated with a girl they immediately get pregnant after cumming inside her with gallons of cum

Blake: That's mating season for you, tons of fun. Tons of surprises~

(Y/N): Yeah yeah, so what are we going to say when we eat with your team?

Blake:Let's be quiet for now

(Y/N):And Ruby?

Blake: When me and her are alone I will tell her about it or you can tell her when you get the chance. Better yet tell her in a different way

(Y/N): Good point you naughty kitty~

Just before we open the doors Prof. Goodwitch grab my hand, this scared the shit out of me as I fear what might happen

Goodwitch:Good morning Mr. (L/N) and Ms. Belladonna, going in I see

(Y/N):(sweat drop)Yeah, wanted to get a bite to eat

Blake:(sweat drop)And hang out with our friends while keeping (Y/N) under control from mating with every girl in there including me

Goodwitch:Good, now let me go in and warned everyone before you enter

(Y/N)/Blake: Yes ma'am

She enter the cafeteria as we sigh in relief

Blake:That was close

(Y/N): Too close, I swear for a quick sec I thought I saw fire in her eyes

Blake: You saw fire, I thought I saw a tombstone

Goodwitch:(peaks head out)Ok come in

She open the door widely and when we enter every girl had the noseplugs while guys were sitting far away in the back, I smiled awkwardly as we walk over to her table. I look over at a table and the girls had hearts in their eyes, rub their legs or biting their lips, I look at the back to see all the guys look away and one of them pulled out a sign that said 'don't hurt us, we won't get anywhere near you and your girls'. The guy who pulled out this sign earned my respect so I gave him a thumbs up, we made our way to Blake's table and everyone had their own comments

Girl 1:Hello (Y/N)~

Girl 2: Morning hot stuff~

Girl 3:*makes breasts jiggled⭑Wanna have milk with your breakfast~


Guy 1:(scared)Don't hurt me

Guy 2:(scared)Lucky bastard, I DIDN'T MEAN IT IN OUMS NAME DON'T KILL ME

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