Chapter 4 (A Thunder Girl's Breakfast)

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(Y/N) Pov.

A week of my heat and I got laid with my 4 favorite girls and I slept with them on the same day, this keeps on getting better and better for me. I hope Goodwitch doesn't find out soon but it was a good thing I was too sneaky to hide from her, before the week ended Joan gave me a call about Ozpin wanted every student here to go back to their homes for the rest of the month starting next Sunday afternoon. He said it was for safety reasons but it was more like he mostly wanted me out of here so he would finally leave his office, not like he could have left his office at night and get snacks or go out for a vacation and let Goodwitch take over. Actually no I take it back I rather have the rest of the month off, so far a week finally past and I can finally take a breather. The down side to this is that I can't go back to Menagerie to stay or visit my parents because it became a temporal lockdown till the month past for safety, the bright side to this is me getting laid with girls I know and finally got laid with none other than Yang and like her teammates she's carrying my kids I mean it's not like I notice they have feelings for me I was just too scared to show them that I love them especially them sharing me. Anyway I was walking down to see my girls who are at the cafeteria, after I walked in I spotted them sitting together as I made my way there and like the last time everyone had their own comments around me
Girl 1:I wish I was team RWBY, they got the good stuff inside them!
Girl 3: I want that wolf to pound me~

Girl 4:Oh hell no that wolf will pound me next and I shall be the one carry his kids inside me
Guy 1:(scared)That's it man I'm l-leaving

Guy 2:(scared) Should have stay in my dorm

Yeah almost like last time especially the girls, after I sat down with my girls they all were eating a lot of food and once I was in their sights they all started to cuddle with me. Ruby in my lap with her ass against my crotch, Weiss on my left side, Blake on my right and Yang who didn't want to be left out just lift me up and put me on her lap with her breasts push against my back not that I mind but at the same time it feels like I'm a small boy for some reason and almost like this had already happen to me before
Random (Y/N) in another world: (sneeze)

(Y/N): We're my girls getting jealous of those comments


They started to rub their heads on me while Ruby and Weiss slowly place my hands on their legs as I rub their thicc thighs and slowly reach up (Y/N):So what are we going to learn today?

Weiss: Actually classes are canceled for the week, we literally have nothing to do

Blake:And not to be rude but you know the reason why (takes deep breath) especially with that smell coming off you~

Yang: Don't forget this smell~

When she said that she place her hand inside my pants while rubbing my dick, I looked over to see every girl are jealous along with that girl from yesterday while the guys wish they could do something but were to scared to do anything

(Y/N): At least we get to spend more time together especially when these puppies are with us

I place my hand on each of their bellies as I rub them making them giggled along with Yang's who was slowly getting the bump, I even kiss their baby bumps making them giggled more. They were kind enough to not only getting me my favorite breakfast food of pancakes but they were feeding me. Before I could take a bite a familiar voice burst through the doors, it was already too late for this to come true


Of course the one and only Valkyrie of this academy, Nora Valkyrie the pink thunder girl of team JNPR and the one with the unbeatable appetite for pancakes who so happens to be a rival of Ruby for their favorite food with the most beautiful turquoise eyes,electrifying persona, the unlimited stamina to last over a marathon that could run from here to Atlas none stop and the sweet fine ass that 'could' rival Blake's Bellabooty and keyword could but overall it's still pretty big. Heck I once measured both of their asses as a dare and Blake beat Nora with a difference of 10 cm, possibly more since they all did grow a bit more than last time. So why is Nora here well it's choosing the custom made pancake Friday a weird day meaning you pick what you want in your pancakes along with how many stacks a favorite day for Nora since she 'manage' to get almost 200 signatures to have the day every 2 weeks and had Ozpin get the day during our 2nd month, he refuse at first till I pay him and 'convince' him to get the day for us especially Nora, so now that leads up to now when Nora is looking around the cafeteria and saw me

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