Chapter 6 (Just Like Bunnies and a Nice Cup of Coco)

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Velvet POV

This month is a nightmare for me to handle on my own, Oum I wish (Y/N) was here right now I really need him. RWBY, Pyrrha and Nora are the lucky ones while I'm here in need to drain that wolf so I could carried his litter especially how cute our little puppies and bunnies will look, although Coco being the protective friend she is won't let me get 3 feet with (Y/ N) or even a meter. I need to find an opening to finally get a chance with him after I find a way to keep Coco busy long enough for me to get with my predator, I started to brainstorm to get Coco away for a bit and I know I can't lose her in the city since Vale is under lockdown for a bit since (Y/N) went there with Pyrrha till Goodwitch had to get them back. I felt the need to eat a carrot cake so I went to the cafeteria to get one, after purchasing the cake I sat down at my usual spot and I notice hardly any one is here especially males. Before I could take a bite the cake was fling away, I look at who knocked it away and my fears are coming true to see who it was.

Cardin: Well well well if it isn't freak #1

Velvet: L-leave me a-alone Cardin

Cardin: Hell no freak, because of your species none of us can go out and I can't see my favorite movie. So what's better to relief my stress than picking on you, starting with these

He started to pull on my ears making me cry in pain, he was laughing like a maniac and no one was helping me. I try to get away till Cardin grab my neck and lifted me up, he was staring at me with hate and for some reason this one is much more worse.

Cardin: Where do you think you're going freak, you know I need something else to relief me. What do you say I make you my bitch, doesn't that sound nice!

I moved my head in saying no but like always Cardin being the jerk he is didn't care.

Cardin: Oh well more fun for me than

Before he could do anything else I smell a alpha scent coming behind him and I look over to see my savior in all his glory like a knight saving his princess, I heard a loud growl coming behind him as Cardin put me down and I looked to see he had a very pale face with the need to cry.

(Y/N): (pissed) What was that fucker, you were about to do what to my bunny!

Cardin: (afraid as fuck) N-N-n-n-nothing

(Y/N): Oh then my hearing must not be good, cause I though I heard you were about to make my Velvet be your slave. Now might I remind you what happen the last time you hurt Velvet, want me to give you a reminder of what happen

I heard a loud boom and the ground shake a bit, Cardin was crying more and was biting his hand to not let it out.

(Y/N): Velvet come here please

Velvet: O-ok

I move around Cardin and I stand beside (Y/N) as he wrapped his arm around my waist and glared at Cardin with red eyes, I wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped my right leg around his waist to let everyone know I'm his mate. I looked to see his gauntlets are glowing brown with a mix of orange and this meant it was surrounded with lava dust, I could tell Cardin was wetting himself from the big puddle under him making this moment one of the best days of beacon especially in this month.

(Y/N): Now turn around or I'll make you

He did as he was told and he looked like a sad rat crying over, Umm what was that joke (Y/N) said about him again.

(Y/N): Now consider this your very last warning fucker especially your joke of a team, if I see you bully any of my girls or anyone else in this school I will make sure you die in a very long and painful way by spiking your drink with a tasteless but potent sedative as you bowels slowly flush it out of your system for 9 hours leaving no trace and while the 9 hours would pass I would fuck your slut of a mom as your dad and other family member watch as I fuck the women of your family and once you die I would take you to the gulf and feed your body to a aquatic base Grimm, the same fate would be the same for your teammates

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