10:00 pm
Wednesday jumped onto her bed on her side of the room and meowed. "Good night Winnie." Enid says as she turns out the overhead light.12:30 am
Enid began to stir in her sleep. Wednesday's eyes opened and her tail began wiping. Then they both went back to sleep.2:05 am
Enid began stirring in her sleep again. Thing crawled over with her night light and turned it on.3:00 am
Wednesday woke up. Jumping off her bed and scampering over to Enid's side of the room. She jumped up onto her bed meowing softly waking the bubbly girl up. "Wednesday?... what are you doing up so late?" She said wiping the sleep from her eyes as she sat up and blinked slowly to clear her vision. "Do you need something?" Enid asked. Wednesday nodded, "C'mere." Enid says as she crosses her legs and sat on her bed. Being careful not to disturb Thing. They stayed like that for a while. Enid tickled the cat behind the ears as Wednesday leaned into the touch. She stroked the cat's head and back until she melted in her lap. She licked Enid's hand and climbed out of her lap and started to rub against her torso. Her tail went under the girl's chin as she began to curl up in her lap again as they both fell asleep.
Black Cat (A Wenclair Story)
Mystery / ThrillerWednesday is turned into a cat. Enid and Thing try to find a cure. They find out who cursed her? (This is an AU where Xavier and Ajax are huge dicks to Wednesday and Enid breaks up with Ajax. Tyler goes to Nevermore.)