Character Ask

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oliviajade1: Happy birthday! What are your plans to do after college with Luke? Please marry him so my OTP becomes canon - Hey there! And thank you! After college, I hope a lot for the future with Luke. I have no doubt in my mind that we'll be besties for the resties and I have a lot of faith in us that we will catch our dreams. I'm not sure what I want to do with my life yet, but I do want to help people. Maybe I'll do the PeaceCorps or AmeriCorps and I hope Luke would come along!

fluffycthoran: Do you wanna have kids with Luke? -I'm way too young to be thinking about marriage and kids right now. I wanna survive college and find a nice job first!

fatecanberewritten: What are you majoring in in college? - I'll be a Communications Major at Newcoast University with a concentration in either Advertising or Public Relations.

ArianaNetflix: Can you be my mom? - Yes! :)

fabuloushood: Do you think your kids will have blue eyes and brown hair or blonde hair and brown eyes -Neither. Asian genes are far more dominant than the majority of them so whomever I marry, whether it's Luke or Liam Payne, our kids will have similar traits to mine. So dark hair and dark eyes. I would LOVE for my kids to have blue eyes though, and while it'd be rare, I hope it does happen!

samantha_hemmings96: On a scale of 1-10 how much do you love Quiff Boy? - I love quiff boy at a -6. Kidding. I love him at a 12.5 :)

anime_lover_1116: Favorite thing about Luke? -Hmmm, favorite thing about Luke? Besides his bright blue eyes that always seem to make me happy, I love how caring he can be. He truly looks out for the best in me, our friends and his mother- it's actually pretty hot.

fivesos26: What do you think your next birthday will be like? Hopefully no one will fall of a roof, that's for sure - My next birthday will be celebrated as a college student. So while no one will fall off the roof, there might be drunk people who purposely jump off it.

ICouldBeYourDrug: Please marry Luke and have children -I don't want to think about marriage and kids right now.

KyndallJackson: When you go to college with Luke, do you guys plan on getting a condo together - Most likely, yeah. As long as financial aid comes through to pay for book and tuition, I've got enough money saved for rent. Plus I don't plan on just going to school. I'm definitely going to have a part time job too.

WolfAura: Can you put in a good word with Michael about me? - Yes! I'll definitely try!

dadadani: What's gonna happen with your mom and sister? - I think they'll be just fine. My sister will return to school and my mom will continue to smother us like the loving mother she is.

dadadani: Are you gonna end up arguing with Jasey? - As much as I'd like to, no, I'm not. She's mentally ill, and she's already apologized.



oliviajade1: How did you feel about the nurse flirting with you and Ari getting jealous about it -Who? Kelsey? I didn't even notice that. Ari was there. When that beautiful fucker is in the room, I honestly don't notice anything else.

stayweirddani: What's your favorite think about Ari? - Her strength. She's far more stronger than I could ever be and if the roles were reversed, I wouldn't be able to handle half of the things she went through. Also, she's hot. Like really hot. I wanna make love to her. ;)

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