15. Quiroz Dinner Parties

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Thursday afternoon had rolled around and before I knew it, it was time to get ready for my mom's dinner party. Honestly, I was just planning on wearing the same clothes I had on at school but to my mother's dismay, a pair of skinny jeans and a band tee-shirt wasn't going to cut it. So that's how I found myself sitting at my vanity with a towel wrapped around my body, my hair dripping wet, as my sister placed makeup on my face. 

"Is he answering?" Mia asked, gesturing for the phone in my hand with the makeup brush she was holding. 

I shook my head, "nope. He hasn't answered any of my phone calls or texts. Neither has Mrs. Hemmings." 

"I'm sure they're fine Ari," Mia assured me with a smile, as she continued brushing blush on my cheeks. "Leave it alone for now. You'll see him tomorrow at school." 

"I guess you're right," I sighed, admitting defeat and placing my phone onto the table top. 

I closed my eyes as Mia brushed some eyeshadow onto my lids, my thoughts mindlessly drifting to Luke who had been missing from school since Tuesday. He missed a really big Biology exam and although I was slated to have a Math quiz today, Mrs. Hemmings wasn't there. Neither Luke nor his mother have been answering any of my calls, which worried me to no end. I hoped that the dinner party didn't go on too long so I could drop by their house afterwards.

"So what's up with you and Luke?" Mia questioned, wiggling her perfectly arched eyebrows with playfulness. She sauntered over to my closet and rummaged through the clothing. I stood up and pulled open one of my dresser drawers and took out some intimate wear. 

"Its not like that Ate, I promise. Luke and I are just friends. He's a pretty chill guy," I described, dropping my towel to the floor and slipping on a pair of panties. 

(translation: older sister)

"You'll tell me if something happens between the two of you right baby sister?" Mia grabbed the bra in my hand and unhooked the straps and I gazed at her a with a quizzical expression. "You're wearing the strapless summer dress I bought you." 

"Of course you would choose that one," I predicted, putting on the bra. "And yes, I'll tell you if anything happens. Which won't because one, I don't see Luke like that. And two, he doesn't see me like that. I'm clearly not his type." 

"And what type is that?" Mia questioned, throwing me the burgundy dress at me. "Ugly?" 

I let out a laugh, slipping on the dress that fell above my knee, "more like tall, beautiful, blonde. Or Hayley Williams from Paramore." 

Mia scoffed at my words, "who doesn't have a crush on Hayley Williams? Anyway, you look beautiful my sister. Just blow-dry your hair and you're good to go." 

I looked at myself in the mirror, quite pleased with Mia's artwork. Simple, yet cute makeup and the dress complimented me well. Sweetheart bodice with a bow at the back, and the bottom of the dress flared out, landing above my knee. 

"Thanks, now mom can't say anything about my appearance," I chuckled, as Mia started for the door. I glanced over at the clock, noticing that I had about an hour left till our guests would be arriving. In addition to my mom's coworkers, neighborhood friends, and family, Ashton, Michael and Calum's mothers would be attending as well. 

At around 7PM, the first round of guests began showing up at our front doorstep. Holding onto trays of homemade food, I relished in the mouthwatering scents that harbored in the kitchen. I heard another doorbell and I ran for the door, swinging it wide open to see the happy smiles of my best friends. 

✔ DRUNK words, SOBER thoughts ✖ hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now