22: Jealous Bestest

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I think today was the first time I'd actually leave home before my mum. I had woken up earlier than she on this Monday morning and was able to eat a proper breakfast, finishing up just as she walked down the stairs. After placing a kiss on her cheek, I proceeded to get ready for the day. I think it was because I was excited to see the other boys. We had bonded really well over the weekend and even though I had just seen them less than 24 hours ago, I was itching to be back on their presence.

Plus there was also the new black ring that adorned my lip.

As part of our bonding, the boys and I decided to either get tattoos or piercings together. My newly pierced lip was still sensitive and as I observed it from the bathroom mirror, I couldn't help but to smirk. I was feeling like me more than ever and I had the boys and Ari to thank for that.

"Bye mum!" I yelled down the hallway, slinging my backpack on one shoulder.

"Lucas?" I noticed her head peep out of her bedroom.

"Yea mum?"

"You're leaving already?" She was just as surprised as I was. I nodded my head in satisfaction.

"Yup! I'll see you later," I gave her a wave before descending the stairs.

I slipped my shoes on and walked out the front door towards my car that was parked on the driveway. Unlocking it, I climbed inside, immediately sticking the key into the ignition. As the engine roared and the speakers blasted Blink 182, I decided to stop by Starbucks with the extra time I had. Not for me, but I wanted to bring something for Ari. She's had a tough weekend that started with bad news about Brayson and with her working, I hadn't seen her since Saturday at breakfast.

I walked into Starbucks, the aroma of coffee beans and pumpkin wafting into my nose and suddenly I was hungry again-- typical, me. There was a long line of people of all sorts. From businessmen, kids from school to hipster university students, Starbucks was the central booming area for everyone who needed their caffeine fix.

As I strolled towards the line, my gaze fixated on the glass display case filled with yummy goodies, I accidentally bumped into someone, "oh my gosh! I'm an idiot! I'm so sorry ma'am!"

The paper cup in the woman's hand fell to the floor, its lid bursting open and the hot liquid to splatter in all directions. Items of all kinds plummeted onto the pseudo-wooden floor, crashing down with a variety of clicks and clacks. When I lifted my gaze, I met a pair of dark brown, almond shaped eyes that were hauntingly familiar to ones I knew so very well.

"Mrs. Quiroz?" I smiled at the small woman whose greying hair was in a bun at the top of her head. Still clad in scrubs, she bent down to begin collecting the things that had fallen out of her purse.

"Luke, hi how are you?" She grinned.

I dropped down to my knees to help her retrieve her things, "I'm alright. I'm sorry for bumping into you. The scones in the display case distracted me."

"Legitimate reason," Mrs. Quiroz laughed, as an employee began to wheel out a mop and bucket.

Using my large hands, I grabbed several of her things at once and handed them off to her. That's when I noticed it: pill bottles. It wasn't just a container of Tylenol; they were prescription medication. And it wasn't just one bottle; there were several. At least 7 different ones sprinkled around our feet. Mrs. Quiroz seemed to notice that I was gawking at the pills and swiped them off of the floor in a haste, stuffing them into her purse.

"I have to get going," she said, standing up. "I'm really tired from my shift at the hospital."

"Okay, I'll see you around Mrs. Quiroz," I waved.

✔ DRUNK words, SOBER thoughts ✖ hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now